Hello fellow Pythonistas,
We hope you all are enjoying the longer daylight and the warmer weather that April has brought to us (in the northern hemisphere anyway). April also brings a new newsletter packed with updates!
We are just over 70 days until the conference and our volunteers are working hard to put together the best EuroPython ever. Without further ado, here is our update.
📝EuroPython Society Update
If you are planning to attend EuroPython in person, you might need a visa to enter Ireland. As a note, Ireland is part of the EU but it is outside of the Schengen zone. This means if you are from outside of the EU but you have a Schengen visa, you may still need a visa to get in.
Please, double check your case and make sure you have all the documentation in order before travelling to Ireland. If the visa process requires a support letter, we can do that too! Just head to https://ep2022.europython.eu/visa to request the support letter for your visa application!
🚸Childcare service
If you would like to attend EuroPython in person but worry about childcare, fear not, because we have the right solution for you!
We will be providing childcare service at the venue. The best part is that the service is free! Make sure to specify how many children will require childcare and we will take care of them, well, not we, but qualified professionals.
Also keep in mind that we are planning a family friendly mini Makers Fest. Now you have no excuses, you can bring your kids and hack a project together!
🍀EuroPython 2022 Conference Update
The Call for Proposal closed on April 3rd and we are excited to announce that we received a record breaking 429 proposals! Thanks to all the submitters for their time and effort in giving us so much to look forward to.
After closing the CfP we kicked-off 2 parallel reviews of these proposals:
- Community voting
- Panel review
The community voting closed in the third week of April and we were amazed by the community response: there were a whopping 24000 votes!! This superseded all our expectations and we’d like to thank everyone for putting in the time to cast their votes!
Parallely, 35 experienced reviewers have put in ~700 reviews across all our proposals. The programme team will run another round of reviews once the first round acceptances are sent out.
The programme team is now consolidating communities' preference and panel feedback to curate talks fit for the first round of acceptances.
🔥Panel discussions @ EuroPython
The programme team is working double time to put together collaborations to engage with the broader community. One such collaboration is with the core developers to put together a panel discussion on all things CPython and beyond. They are working hard to iron out the details of the panel. More details soon.
P.S. All of our Early Bird tickets are now sold out. We’re only left with 7 education tickets!
🚀Financial Aid
Towards our commitment to diversity & inclusion, we’re running a Financial Aid Programme to help individuals who would otherwise not be able to attend/speak at the conference. If you need help attending the conference, don’t hesitate to apply for help: https://europython.eu/finaid
💶Call for Sponsors
Big shoutout to our first confirmed sponsors Sendcloud, Ebury and Channable! Thank you for your support and we cannot wait to see you at your booths!
We are privileged to have many other fantastic companies who are interested in sponsoring EuroPython this year.
Apart from the standard sponsor packages, there are so many other ways you can support the conference: be a childcare or Financial Aid sponsor, help us organise a Django Girls Workshop, or sponsor a gourmet coffee stall for a day! You can find out all the fantastic standalone options here.
If you are interested in sponsoring EuroPython 2022, head to https://ep2022.europython.eu/sponsor and dig into the details of every sponsorship level.
If you still have questions, write to us at sponsoring@europython.eu
❣Irish Community Mixer @ Dublin
Ireland thrives with communities and EuroPython wouldn’t be the same without the support of these Community Partners:
- Coding Grace
- Codú Community
- Dublin Data Science
- Dublin Linux Community
- Dublin Linux Developers
- Farset Labs (Hackerspace)
- GDG Belfast
- PyBelfast
- PyLadies Dublin
- Python Ireland
- Tog Hackerspace
- Women in AI Ireland
- Women Who Code Belfast
- Women Who Code Dublin
The ever-growing list of Community Partners can be found at https://ep2022.europython.eu/community-partners
🗣Events @ EuroPython
EuroPython is much more than *just* training, talks & keynotes. Every year we run multiple varied events for our community and this year is no exception. Read on below to get a glimpse of what’s waiting for you in Dublin!
🥙Community Mixer Lunch @ Dublin
Organisers of community conferences and events across Europe, we invite you to grab lunch with us in Dublin! Let’s all get together, share our joys and pains of running events. In our experience conversations flow better with a nice meal in front. Join us to share ideas and cultivate cross community relationships.
The lunch is planned for 14 or 15 July. Watch this space!
👧Django Girls Workshop
If you identify as a woman and want to learn how to make websites, we have good news for you! We are holding a one-day workshop for beginners!
It will take place on Monday 11th July at Convention Centre Dublin in the heart of Dublin city: https://djangogirls.org/en/dublin/
Applications to attend are open until July 2nd. We've only got 30 slots, don't waste for the last minute!!
If you are a Django expert, then consider joining us as a coach? Submit your interest via this form, and we will be in touch. Any other questions, contact us on dublin@djangogirls.org.
Please note that you do not need to have a EuroPython conference ticket to attend Django Girls workshop.
⚙Makers Fest
Learning new libraries and new features of Python is great. But, what about showing off cool things you’ve been working on, running a demo or simply talking about a pet project you’re passionate about? If you’re a Maker, Educator, or just someone who is interested in breaking and building things, then this fest is for you!!
There are no limits to the shape of the project: this could be an automation put together with Raspberry Pi, or an AI powered music composer. Bottom-line, any and every project is encouraged.
Register your interest by filling out this form: https://forms.gle/xTdpFJ2rV8iqmMCb9

After nearly 3 years of virus hiatus, Trans*Code will be returning! We are delighted that EuroPython will be hosting a Trans*Code event in Dublin in July!
Trans*Code is an international hack event series focused solely on drawing attention to transgender issues and opportunities. Trans*Code events aim to help draw attention to transgender issues through informal, topic-focused hackdays. Coders, designers, activists, and community members not currently working in technology are also encouraged to participate.
It is a free full day workshop & hackday open to trans and non-binary folk, allies, coders, designers and visionaries of all sorts. Stay tuned for more details.
⚡Beginners Day
If you are new to Python or you are not so familiar with it, don’t worry: we’ve got you covered. Join us at Beginner's Day: a day to cover the basics of Python so you can fully enjoy the conference ahead.
Please bear with us while we define the bells and whistles of this workshop including how to join. Stay tuned!
💡Pew Pew Workshop
Following the huge fun and success of the PewPew workshop at EuroPython 2019, you have a chance again to join the PewPew game console creator, Radomir Dopieralski, who will be running a workshop on how to program PewPew with CircuitPython.
If you are an experienced developer, we are looking for 2 more coaches to run the workshop. Please drop us an email at programme@europython.eu
💖EuroPython @ PyCon US
PyCon US just wound up and some of our EuroPython team members (Cheuk Ting Ho, Naomi Ceder, Patrick Armino, Sangarshanan Veera, Sebastian Zeeff) attended & presented at the conference. Here are some captures from the conference (in no particular order):

Did you come across them during the hallway track or enjoyed their talks? Let them & us know on twitter or email!
🎗️Upcoming Events
Python Ireland Monthly Meetup
Next Python Ireland Monthly meetup will be held on Wed 11th May, 6:30PM to 8:30PM and it will be online.
The speaker is Jeremiah Paige and he will talk about “Invisible Walls: Isolating Your Python”: Stop building projects that only "work on my machine", Learn how to isolate your python application by executing in an isolated, reproducible environment that extends beyond the code you write.
More details of the event can be found here: https://www.meetup.com/pythonireland/events/kqwjvrydchbpb/
PyLadies Dublin May Meetup
The next PyLadies Dublin meetup will be on Tue 21st May, a collaboration with Women in AI Ireland showcasing projects from the recent WaiPRACTICE programme. This will be our first in-person event since Covid restrictions 2 years ago, and will be hosted by Dogpatch Labs. Food will be provided thanks to Inscribe AI.
More details: https://www.meetup.com/PyLadiesDublin/events/285567337/
TOG Hackerspace (Dublin)
It’s “Bring your laptop to TOG’s Open Coding Night” on Tue 3rd May.
More details: https://www.meetup.com/Tog-Dublin-Hackerspace/events/ggzmtsydchbfb/
Cambridge Python User Group
At this virtual event on Tue 3rd May, Alexandre Faget will be leading a session on testing with pytest.
More details: https://www.meetup.com/CamPUG/events/285277862/
PyLadies Berlin Meetup
The next PyLadies Berlin meetup will be on Tue May 17 with talks from “Exploring our community” by Jessica Greene, “Reproducible machine learning projects with DVC and Poetry” by Doreen and “Python’s tale of concurrency” by Pradhvan Bisht.
Details: https://www.meetup.com/PyLadies-Berlin/events/285313817/
🌍Special Past Event Recap
PyCamp - to go camping in the pythonic way 🐍
Nature, OSS, and Python friends - this defines what PyCamp is.
After many years of PyCamping events in Argentina, the event had its first edition in Europe this year. The event counted with 25 people spending 4 days together doing what they love the most - collaborating with others through code. The location chosen was the beautiful region of Girona near Barcelona, Spain. Surrounded by nature, our pythonistas could choose any project or workshop to participate in.
From translating Japanese mangas to building bots and making music with Python, the projects were interesting and fun. If no project is of your taste, you can always propose one yourself. Not a Pythonista yourself? No problem at all. In this edition, we had people talking about DevOps tools and JavaScript frameworks, so feel free to bring different topics to the camp. The evenings were fulfilled with games, karaoke, and good chats. Living and collaborating with others makes without saying a true community event. So see you next PyCamp?
🐍Cool Python & Friends Projects
Memray - Memray is a memory profiler for Python. It can track memory allocations in Python code, in native extension modules, and in the Python interpreter itself.
Goey - Turn (almost) any Python 3 Console Program into a GUI application with one line.
Polars - Polars is a blazingly fast DataFrames library implemented in Rust using Apache Arrow Columnar Format as a memory model.
DeepMind AUX - AUX, built on top of JAX, provides audio processing functions and tools to JAX. It is a sister library of PIX designed for image processing in JAX. Likewise, all operations in AUX can be optimised through jax.jit
PyScript - PyScript is a Pythonic alternative to Scratch, JSFiddle or other "easy to use" programming frameworks, making the web a friendly, hackable, place where anyone can author interesting and interactive applications.