Hello there and welcome to the post conference newsletter! We really hope you enjoyed EuroPython 2023 cause we sure did and are still recovering from all the fun and excitement. 😊
We have some updates to share with you and also wanted to use this newsletter to nostalgically look back at all the good times 🙌 we had in Prague just a month ago. Surrounded by old friends and new in the beautiful city of Prague, EuroPython 2023 was special for a lot of us 🤗 and the community, so we want to highlight some of those experiences!! So without further ado let’s get into the updates 🐍
EuroPython Society
The EPS board is working with our accountant and auditor to get our financial reports in order in the next couple of weeks. As soon as that is finalised, we will be excited to call for the next Annual General Assembly (GA); the actual GA will be held at least 14 days after our formal notice.
General Assembly is a great opportunity to hear about EuroPython Society's developments and updates in the last year & a new board will also be elected at the end of the GA.
All EPS members are invited to attend the GA and have voting rights. Find out how to sign up to become an EPS member for free here: https://www.europython-society.org/application/
More about the EPS Board
The EPS board is made up of up to 9 directors (including 1 chair and 1 vice chair); the board runs the day-to-day business of the EuroPython Society, including running the EuroPython conference series, and supports the community through various initiatives such as our grants programme. The board collectively takes up the fiscal and legal responsibility of the Society.
At the moment, running the annual EuroPython conference is a major task for the EPS. As such, the board members are expected to invest significant time and effort towards overseeing the smooth execution of the conference, ranging from venue selection, contract negotiations, and budgeting, to volunteer management. Every board member has the duty to support one or more EuroPython teams to facilitate decision-making and knowledge transfer.
In addition, the Society prioritises building a close relationship with local communities. Board members should not only be passionate about the Python community but have a high-level vision and plan for how the EPS could best serve the community.
How can you become an EPS 2024 board member?
Any EPS member can nominate themselves for the EPS 2024 board. Nominations will be published prior to the GA.
Though the formal deadline for self-nomination is at the GA, it is recommended that you send in yours as early as possible (yes, now is a good time!) to board@europython.eu.
We look forward to your email :)
& for more information check out our Call for Board Candidates!

Conference Numbers
With 142 Talks, 22 Tutorials, 10 Special events, 5 Keynotes, 3 panel discussions happening throughout the week, our “learn more about this” bookmarks list/backlog reached new heights this year! If you know what I mean 😉
Let's take a closer look at our stats, if you too are into that kinda thing.

Thank you Volunteers & Sponsors <3
Year after year EuroPython shines because of the hard work of our amazing team of volunteers
But beyond the logistics and the schedules, it's your smiles, your enthusiasm, and your genuine willingness to go the extra mile that truly made EuroPython 2023 truly special. Your efforts have not only fostered a sense of belonging among first time attendees but also exemplified the power of community and collaboration that lies at the heart of this conference.
Once again, thank you for being the backbone of EuroPython, for your dedication, and for showing the world yet again why people who come for the Python language end up staying for the amazing community :)
And a special thank you to all of the Sponsors for all of their support!
Conference Photos & Videos
The official conference photos are up on Flickr! Do not forget to tag us when you share your favourite clicks on your socials 😉.
We know how much you would love to see and share videos of some amazing talks and keynotes we had during the conference. Rest assured we are working with our AV team to have videos edited and ready in a month or so. Stay tuned for that.
In the meantime if you want to revisit a talk you missed or just want to check out a talk again, all the live streams from across the conference days is still available on our page
We also have some really sweet highlight videos featuring the amazing humans of EuroPython! Check it out on Youtube.
Community write-ups
It warms our hearts to see posts from the community about their experience and stories this year! Here are some of them, please feel free to share yours by tagging us on socials @europython or mailing us at news@europython.eu


Mariia Lukash wrote to us saying
I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for providing me with the opportunity to attend EuroPython 2023 remotely and free of charge. The conference was truly exceptional! The speakers were incredible, and their presentations were both informative and inspiring. I learned so much from each session. This being my first-ever conference experience, I never imagined it would be so captivating and enlightening. Moreover, I was particularly impressed by the sense of community that was evident throughout the event. Once again, thank you for this incredible opportunity. I am truly grateful for the experience, and if the chance arises, I would be delighted to attend future events organized by EuroPython.
Messages like these warm our hearts and pushes us to do better for the 🐍 community every single year ❤️
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct Transparency Report is now published on our website
🐍 Upcoming Events
EuroPython might over but fret not there are a bunch of more amazing Python conferences happening!!!
- PyCon CZ https://cz.pycon.org/2023/ 🇨🇿
- PyCon EE https://pycon.ee/ 🇪🇪
- PyCon PT https://2023.pycon.pt/ 🇵🇹
- PyCon UK https://2023.pyconuk.org/ 🇬🇧
- PyCon ES https://2023.es.pycon.org/ 🇪🇪
- PyCon SE https://www.pycon.se/ 🇸🇪
- PyCon IE https://python.ie/pycon-2023 🇮🇪
- PyLadiesCon https://conference.pyladies.com/ 🌎
- Swiss Python Summit https://www.python-summit.ch/ 🇨🇭
PyJok.es 😆
$ pip install pyjokes
Collecting pyjokes
Downloading pyjokes-0.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (26 kB)
Installing collected packages: pyjokes
Successfully installed pyjokes-0.6.0
$ pyjoke
!false, (It's funny because it's true)
Add your own jokes to PyJokes (a project invented at a EuroPython sprint) via this issue: https://github.com/pyjokes/pyjokes/issues/10