EuroPython Blog

The official blog of everything & anything EuroPython! EuroPython 2025 14-20 July, Prague & Remote
EuroPython Blog

More than 900 registered attendees so far!!!

We are happy to announce that EuroPython 2014 will be the biggest EuroPython ever!

Until today we have already more than 900 registrations! ….and we have four more weeks to go….I think we can do even better? 

The registration for the standard rate ends on 22/06/2014 (23:59:59 UTC+2). The on-desk rates apply to all purchases between 23/06/2014 and the conference - so hurry up!

Thank you all in advance for coming to Berlin - this EuroPython will rock!

Featured talk "Extending Python, what is the best option for me?"

The talk “Extending Python, what is the best option for me?” will be given by Francisco Fernández Castaño.

Although Python is a great programming language, it is sometimes necessary to extend the functionality of Python with other library or modules that are not written in native Python code e.g. for database drivers, third-party SDKs etc.

With the FFI(Foreign function interface) you can connect Python with other languages like C, C++ and even the new Rust. There are some alternatives to achieve this goal, Native Extensions, Ctypes and CFFI. Francisco will compare this three ways of extending Python.

Francisco Fernandez works as a software engineer at biicode in Madrid. He uses Python as his main programming language but he also program in other languages like Scala, Go, Clojure… His main interests are distributed systems, functional programming and graph databases.


Featured talk "Support Python 2 and 3 with the same code"

The talk “Support Python 2 and 3 with the same code“ will be given by Stefan Schwarzer.

With the upcoming importance of Python 3 there is a growing need for both migrating existing Python 2 modules to Python 3 but also maintaining the code for Python 2. There are several approaches for dealing with Python code that must be compatible for both Python 2 and Python 3. Stefan Schwarzer will show an approach how to maintain the very same code for Python 2 and Python 3 simultaneously while avoiding two dedicated code bases. The talk discusses the main problems when supporting Python 3 and best practices to apply for compatibility with Python 2 and 3.

Dr. Stefan Schwarzer uses Python since the last millennium and he has published multiple articles and a book on Python and is a regular speaker at Python and Linux conferences. Stefan holds a PhD in chemical engineering but he is working in software development since 2000 and works nowadays as software development freelancer. He is the maintainer of the FTP client library ftputil.


Featured talk: Python for Zombies: 15.000 enrolled in the first Brazilian MOOC to teach Python

The talk “”Python for Zombies: 15.000 enrolled in the first Brazilian MOOC to teach Python will be given by Fernando Masanori Ashikaga.

Fernando is a university teacher and will talk about his experiences of teaching programming with Python in Brazil MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) and spreading Python in Brazil. Hacking basic modules and classes to obtain the “Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything”. A funny way to teach programming.

Fernando Masanori Ashikaga is a professor for communications at the Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Bernardo do Campo in  São Paolo, Brazil.

Featured training "Python for System Administrators"

The training “Python for System Adminstrators” will be given by  Roberto Polli.

The goal is to show how to use python and the Python Standard Library to replace a variegate set of administration tools like grep, sed, awk, perl and gnuplot.

Students should type-in slide contents in their ipython console and share their results. Anyway script templates are provided via github to enable them to paste snippets and reduce idle times.

At the end of the training the students will be able to:

  • gather system data on different platforms;
  • parse them efficiently;
  • make basic statistics like distribution, deviation, aggregation, correlation;
  • plot data;

Roberto works at Babel, migrating big mail infrastructures to open solutions. Develops in Python, C and Java to foster communities around various FLOSS, trying to bring both social and IT innovation.He is a Red Hat Certified Engineer and Virtualization Administrator, but loves maintaining free software, including the caldav java library: caldav4j.

We want you as EuroPython helper: EuroPython helper organization and meeting

EuroPython is searching for helpers and volunteers during the conference event. Please meet with the EuroPython organizer team on 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

EuroPython 2014 will be the largest EuroPython conference ever.

The organizer team worked on the project since already one year voluntarily but for the conference even itself we need much more volunteers for various tasks during the conference.

Please help us out and show us your commitment to the Python community.

We want you and we need you!

If you can not make it to the meeting above then please email to - every hand is useful - every hand helps us making this conference a success and an unforgettable event for the european Python community.

Featured talk "Message-passing concurrency for Python"

The talk “Message-passing concurrency for Python” will be given by Sarah Mount.

Concurrency and parallelism in Python are always hot topics. This talk will look the variety of forms of concurrency and parallelism. In particular this talk will give an overview of various forms of message-passing concurrency which have become popular in languages like Scala and Go. A Python library called python-csp which implements similar ideas in a Pythonic way will be introduced and we will look at how this style of programming can be used to avoid deadlocks, race hazards and “callback hell”.

Sarah Mount is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Wolverhampton, with particular interests in concurrency, parallelism and dynamic languages.