EuroPython Blog

The official blog of everything & anything EuroPython! EuroPython 2025 14-20 July, Prague & Remote
EuroPython Blog

EuroPython 2018: Call for Proposals (CFP) is open

We’re looking for proposals on every aspect of Python: programming from novice to advanced levels, applications and frameworks, or how you have been involved in introducing Python into your organization. EuroPython is a community conference and we are eager to hear about your experience.

Please also forward this Call for Proposals to anyone that you feel may be interested.

Important Notice: New Conference Layout

Please note that the conference layout has changed compared to previous years, the main conference (talks) is now only three days:

  • Monday and Tuesday:
    trainings, workshops and Beginners’ Day only
  • Wednesday, Thursday, Friday:
    talks, panels, posters, helpdesks, open sessions,… (no trainings!).

Submit your proposal !

Submissions will be open until Sunday, May 20.

Given the compact timing this year, one should not bet on an extension, please submit your proposals as early as possible - also to reduce work load of the reviewers. Thank you.

Presenting at EuroPython

We will accept a broad range of presentations, from reports on academic and commercial projects to tutorials and case studies. As long as the presentation is interesting and potentially useful to the Python community, it will be considered for inclusion in the program.

Can you show something new and useful? Can you show the attendees how to: use a module? Explore a Python language feature? Package an application? If so, please consider submitting a talk.

There are four different kinds of contributions that you can present at EuroPython:

Regular Talk / approx. 110 slots

These are standard “talks with slides”, allocated in slots of

  • 30 minutes
  • 45 minutes
  • 60 minutes

The Q&A session, if present, is included in the time slot. 3-5 Minutes for Q&A is a good practice. Please chose a time slot you see fit best to make your presentation in a compact way (So the audience may follow along but is not bored).
We will only have a very limited number of 60 minute slots available, so please only choose these slots for more in-depth sessions or topics which require more background information.

Trainings / 12 slots.

Deep-dive into a subject with all details. These sessions are apporx. 3 hours long. The training attendees will be encouraged to bring a laptop. They should be prepared with less slides and more source code. Room capacity for the trainings rooms is 100 seats.


A panel is group of three to six experts plus a moderator discussing a matter in depth, an intensive exchange of (maybe opposite) opinions. A panel may be 30-60 minutes long. We have introduced this interactive format for EuroPython 2017 due to the many requests we have received to make the conference more interactive and have more challenging / mind-bending content in place. If you have any questions or if you want to discuss an idea for a panel upfront, please feel free to contact the Program WG to discuss. Please note if you suggest a panel you will have to organise the panelists and coordinate with the


This is a completely open 60-minute format. Feel free to make your suggestions. There are only two rules: it must be interactive, real-time human-to-human-interaction and of course compliant with the EuroPython Code of Conduct. If you want to discuss an idea upfront, please feel free to contact the Program WG to discuss.

Posters / 15 slots

Posters are a graphical way to describe a project or a technology, printed in large formats; posters are exhibited at the conference, can be read at any time by participants, and can be discussed face to face with their authors during the poster session.

Helpdesk / 6 slots

Helpdesks are a great way to share your experience on a technology, by offering to help people answering their questions and solving their practical problems. You can run a helpdesk by yourself or with colleagues and friends. Each helpdesk will be open for 3 hours in total, 1.5 hours in the morning and 1.5 hours in the afternoon. People looking for help will sign up for a 30 minute slot and talk to you. There is no specific preparation needed; you just need to be proficient in the technology you run the helpdesk for.


You may suggest your submission for a track. Tracks are groups of talks, covering the same domain (e.g. Django), all in the same room in a row. You may choose one of these specialized domains / tracks:

  • Business Track (running a business, being a freelancer)
  • DevOps
  • Django Track
  • Educational Track
  • General Python
  • Hardware/IoT Track
  • PyData Track
  • Science Track
  • Web Track

PyData EuroPython 2018

As usual, there will be a PyData track at this year’s conference. Please submit your papers for the PyData track through the EuroPython form and make sure to select “PyData” as sub community in the form.

The PyData track is run in cooperation with NumFocus and the PyData Edinburgh meetup.

Discounts for Content Contributors

Since EuroPython is a not-for-profit community conference, it is not possible to pay out rewards for talks or trainings. For talks, posters, help desk and organising a panels or interactive sessions we will give out a 25% discount coupon valid for one conference ticket. Trainers will receive a 100% discount coupon for both a conference ticket and a training pass to compensate for the longer preparation time.

More about this here 

Topics and Goals

Suggested topics for EuroPython presentations include, but are not limited to:

  • Core Python
  • Python libraries and extensions
  • Python 2 to 3 migration
  • Data Science
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Databases
  • Documentation
  • Frameworks
  • Game Programming
  • Hardware (Sensors, RaspberryPi, Gadgets,…)
  • Network Programming
  • Open Source Python projects
  • Packaging
  • Programming Tools
  • Project Best Practices
  • Embedding and Extending
  • Education, Science and Math
  • Community
  • Ethics (related to Programming)
  • Web-based Systems
  • Use Cases
  • API
  • GUI Programming
  • Failures and Mistakes
  • Alternative Python implementations: e.g. Jython, IronPython, PyPy, and Stackless

Language for Talks & Trainings

Talks and trainings should be held in English.

Inappropriate Language and Imagery

Please consider that EuroPython is a conference with an audience from a broad geographical area which spans countries and regions with vastly different cultures. What might be considered a “funny, inoffensive joke” in a region might be really offensive (if not even unlawful) in another. If you want to add humor, references and images to your talk, avoid any choice that might be offensive to a group which is different from yours, and pay attention to our EuroPython Code of Conduct.

Community Based Talk Voting

Attendees who have bought a ticket in time for the Talk Voting period gain the right to vote for talks submitted during the Call For Proposals.

The Program WG will also set aside a number of slots which they will then select based on other criteria to e.g. increase diversity or give a chance to less mainstream topics.

Release agreement for submissions

All submissions will be made public during the community talk voting, to allow all registrants to discuss the proposals. After finalizing the schedule, talks that are not accepted will be removed from the public website. Accepted submissions will stay online for the foreseeable future.

We also ask all speakers/trainers to:

  • accept the video recording of their presentation
  • upload their talk materials to the EuroPython website
  • accept the EuroPython Speaker Release Agreement which allows the EPS to make the talk recordings and uploaded materials available under a CC BY-NC-SA license

To simplify the organization, we ask all speakers and trainers to accept the video recording and publishing of their session. All talks will be recorded. Trainings will be not recorded.

Talk slides will be made available on the EuroPython web site. Talk video recordings will be uploaded to the EuroPython YouTube channel and archived on

For more privacy related information, please consult our privacy policy.


For further questions, feel free to contact our Program WG Helpdesk


EuroPython 2018 Team

EuroPython 2018: Website Launched

We are excited to announce the launch of the EuroPython 2018 website.


The EuroPython conference will take place in Edinburgh, UK, this year, from July 23 - 29.

EuroPython 2018 - The European Python Conference

Here’s an overview of what you can expect in Edinburgh:

We will start with the Workshops and the Trainings on Monday and Tuesday, July 23-24.

The main 3 conference day follow, packed with keynotes, talks, helpdesks, panels and open space sessions.

A complete PyData EuroPython 2018 will be included as well.

The two weekend days after the conference, July 28 and 29, are reserved for sprints.

Overall, we will again have 7 days worth of great Python content, arranged in over 120 sessions, waiting for you.

In short:

  • Monday, Tuesday, July 23-24: Workshops and Trainings and Beginners’ Day
  • Wednesday - Friday, July 25-27: Main Conference with talks, keynotes, exhibit, panels, posters, helpdesks and open sessions.
  • Saturday, Sunday, July 28-29: Sprints.

Meet our launch sponsors

All this would not be possible without the generous help of our launch sponsors:

In the coming days, we will provide you with more information and announce the start of the Call for Proposals and Early Bird Ticket sales. Please watch our EuroPython blog for updates.


EuroPython 2018 Team

EuroPython 2018: Hotel tips and general update

As you may know, the Edinburgh Fringe Festival is starting one week after EuroPython 2018 in Edinburgh. Since this typically attracts many thousands of people and artists, the hotels are filling up quickly in Edinburgh.

If you’re planning to attend EuroPython, please book your hotel early. Many booking sites offer free cancellations, so there’s no risk in making reservations now, even if you decide not to come in the end.

Room allocation for EuroPython 2018

To help with this, we have partnered with the Edinburgh Convention Bureau to set aside a number of hotel rooms which are reserved for EuroPython attendees. These rooms will be held reserved until a few weeks before the conference and are also available with a free cancellation option.

The  Edinburgh Convention Bureau has setup the following website for booking rooms from this allocation:

EuroPython 2018 Hotel Booking Website
(run by the Edinburgh Convention Bureau)

Update on EuroPython 2018

Meanwhile, we wanted to give you an update of where we are with the conference organization:

We are still working on getting everything setup for launching the website, opening ticket sales and the Call for Proposals (CFP).

This year the EuroPython Society (EPS) will  be running the ticket sales, rather than a local organization and we are facing some challenges related to VAT taxes, which are taking longer to sort out than expected.

This is the main reason for the delay you are seeing, but we’re getting there.


EuroPython 2018 Team

EuroPython 2018: Getting ready

We are excited to announce the launch of the EuroPython 2018 website:


The EuroPython conference will take place in sunny Edinburgh, Scotland, this year, from July 23-29 2018.

It’s a great time of year to visit Edinburgh with 16 hours of daylight, and the festival season in full flow, so come and join us. This is just one week before the famous Edinburgh Fringe Festival and the Turing Festival, so you can extend your stay a little longer in Edinburgh, or head for the Highlands to enjoy the amazing mountains and lochs.

EuroPython 2018 - The European Python Conference

Here’s an overview of what you can expect in Edinburgh:

  • We will start with Workshops and Training Sessions on Monday and Tuesday.
  • The main 3 conference days follow, packed with keynotes, talks, exhibition, help desks, interactive sessions, panels and poster sessions.
  • The two weekend days after the conference, July 28 and 29, are reserved for sprints (hackathons).

Overall, we will again have 7 days worth of great Python content, arranged in over 120 sessions, waiting for you.

The venue is the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, in central Edinburgh, just on the edge of the historic Old Town.

In short:

  • Monday, Tuesday, July 23-24: Workshops and Training
  • Wednesday - Friday, July 25-27: Conference talks, keynotes, training
  • Saturday, Sunday, July 28-29: Sprints

Our Sponsors

All this would not be possible without the generous help of our launch sponsors. If your company would be interested in sponsoring the 17th EuroPython please contact

Sponsoring EuroPython guarantees you highly targeted visibility and the opportunity to present yourself and your company in a professional and innovative environment. You’ll have an unique opportunity to meet many Python-enthusiastic developers, users and professionals. As a sponsor of EuroPython 2018, you will directly help to promote the work of a great open-source community and help further its development.

EuroPython 2018 is the 17th EuroPython conference. The conference tours throughout Europe. It so far has had stops in Belgium, Sweden, Lithuania, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany and Basque Country/Spain, growing from initially 240 attendees to well over 1200.

In the coming days, we will announce the start of the Call for Proposals and Early Bird Ticket sales. Please watch our EuroPython blog for updates.


EuroPython 2018 Team

EuroPython 2017: Videos for Friday available online

We are pleased to announce the last batch of cut videos for EuroPython 2017.

All 163 EuroPython 2017 videos are now online.

To see the new videos, please head over to our EuroPython YouTube channel and select the “EuroPython 2017″ playlist. The new videos start at entry 129 in the playlist.

We have also published a few videos from Monday, we had missed in the first batch.


EuroPython 2017 Team
EuroPython Society
EuroPython 2017 Conference

EuroPython 2017: Videos for Thursday available online

We are pleased to announce the third batch of cut videos for EuroPython 2017.

To see the new videos, please head over to our EuroPython YouTube channel and select the “EuroPython 2017″ playlist. The new videos start at entry 96 in the playlist.

Next week we will release the last batch of videos currently marked as “private”. 


EuroPython 2017 Team
EuroPython Society
EuroPython 2017 Conference 

EuroPython 2017: Videos for Wednesday available online

We are pleased to announce the third batch of cut videos for EuroPython 2017.

To see the new videos, please head over to our EuroPython YouTube channel and select the “EuroPython 2017″ playlist. The new videos start at entry 63 in the playlist.

In the coming two weeks, we will continue to release the other videos currently marked as “private”, in batches of one conference day per week. 


EuroPython 2017 Team
EuroPython Society
EuroPython 2017 Conference

EuroPython 2017: Videos for Tuesday available online

We are pleased to announce the second batch of cut videos for EuroPython 2017.

To see the new videos, please head over to our EuroPython YouTube channel and select the “EuroPython 2017″ playlist. The new videos start at entry 31 in the playlist.

In the coming weeks, we will continue to release the other videos currently marked as “private”, in batches of one conference day per week. 


EuroPython 2017 Team
EuroPython Society
EuroPython 2017 Conference 

The EuroPython Podcast Episode 1

We are happy to announce a new format our Media Workgroup is experimenting with:

The EuroPython Podcast

The podcast intends to be a view on the European Python community. We will comment and talk about the latest news from the EuroPython Society last news, interview guests from the European Python community and discuss future Python events in Europe … and probably more (ideas are always welcome).

EuroPython Podcast Episode 1: RFP & Lasse Schuirmann

In this podcast we discussed about the Venue Request For Proposal (RFP) for EuroPython 2018, what venues we should aim for? How about a EuroPython 2018 Disneyland Paris?

We also had Lasse Schuirmann from Here is how he describes himself:

I started programming when I was 14 years old. Since then I did various projects like an image processing algorithm, an artificial neural net or my (very small) home-grown kernel. You can find the code for my openly developed projects (which is an increasing number relative to the others) largely on GitHub ( or GitLab (

If you hear the podcast you might be interested in this link too :

More information about upcoming events mentioned in the podcast:

Listen to the EuroPython Podcast Episode 1

Helping with the podcast

We are just starting and this was our first episode. We promise we are working really hard to increase the audio quality - help on this issue is very welcome.

If you want to join the podcast as collaborator, nominate someone to be our next guest, announce your local python conference or/and give us feedback, please send an email to

Many thanks.


EuroPython Media Workgroup Team
EuroPython Society
EuroPython Conference