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EuroPython Blog

EuroPython August 2024 Newsletter

Hello and welcome to the post-conference newsletter! We really hope you enjoyed EuroPython 2024, cause we sure did and are still recovering from all the fun and excitement :)

We have some updates to share with you, and also wanted to use this newsletter to nostalgically look back at all the good times we had  just last month, surrounded by old friends and new in the beautiful city of Prague ❤️.

🏛️ EuroPython Society (EPS)

This year we had a booth for the EuroPython Society at the conference. What is the EPS? The EPS is the running engine behind the EuroPython Conference. The EPS board is made up of up to 9 directors (including 1 chair and 1 vice chair). It runs the day-to-day business of the EuroPython Society, including running the EuroPython conference series, and supports the community through various initiatives such as our grants programme. The board collectively takes up the fiscal and legal responsibility of the Society.

For the next few weeks, the board is working with our accountant and auditor to get our financial reports in order. As soon as that is finalised, we will be excited to call for the next Annual General Assembly (GA); the actual GA will be held at least 14 days after our formal notice.

General Assembly is a great opportunity to hear about EuroPython Society's developments and updates in the last year and a new board will also be elected at the end of the GA.

All EPS members are invited to attend the GA and have voting rights. Find out how to sign up to become an EPS member for free here:

At the moment, running the annual EuroPython conference is a major task for the EPS. As such, the board members are expected to invest significant time and effort towards overseeing the smooth execution of the conference, ranging from venue selection, contract negotiations, and budgeting, to volunteer management. Every board member has the duty to support one or more EuroPython teams to facilitate decision-making and knowledge transfer.

In addition, the Society prioritises building a close relationship with local communities. Board members should not only be passionate about the Python community but have a high-level vision and plan for how the EPS could best serve the community.

How can you become an EPS 2024 board member?

Any EPS member can nominate themselves for the EPS 2024 board. Nominations will be published prior to the GA.

Though the formal deadline for self-nomination is at the GA, it is recommended that you send in yours as early as possible (yes, now is a good time!) to

We look forward to your email :)

📝 Feedback & Numbers

Thanks to everyone who filled in the feedback form! In total, 157 attendees gave their feedback, which represents around 13% of the onsite attendees and around 11% of total attendees. One caveat when reading the results below: it’s difficult to say whether this sample was representative of all attendees as we didn’t collect demographic data.

Satisfaction with the conference

On average, attendees let us know that they were very satisfied with the conference, with a mean overall satisfaction rating of 4.3. Moreover, attendees were satisfied with most specific aspects of the conference, including the venue (mean = 4.6), food (mean = 4.0), and the social event (mean = 4.0). Prague was a particularly popular choice of location, getting a mean rating of 4.7.

We also had a look to see which of these aspects were most strongly related to overall satisfaction with the conference. Using a Spearman correlation, we found that satisfaction with the food (rs = 0.20) and the social event (rs = 0.17) had the highest relationship with overall satisfaction with the conference. However, any fellow stats nerds reading this might have noticed that these are not particularly strong relationships, likely meaning that other factors we didn’t explicitly measure are driving how much people liked the conference.

If you’re interested in seeing more of the results we got from the feedback form, we published a blog post where we deep dive into everything we found in much more detail. And we promise there will be lots of pretty graphs!

🦒 Speaker’s Mentorship Programme

It was another successful year for our Speaker Mentorship Programme! Here are some key highlights from this year:

  • Each mentee had the opportunity to receive personalized feedback, support, and guidance on their talk or proposal from an experienced mentor. We successfully supported 29 mentees, most from underrepresented communities, by pairing them with 29 seasoned mentors!
  • Six mentees were given the opportunity to attend a public speaking workshop to further enhance their skills.
  • On June 3rd, we held a fantastic first-time speakers' workshop where attendees engaged with experienced speakers, receiving valuable advice and feedback for their presentations.

Last but not least, a huge THANK YOU to all our mentors who volunteered their time to guide mentees in submitting their proposals and delivering their talks

🐍 PyLadies day

EuroPython this year had an entire day dedicated to PyLadies events. We started with Moderni Soberana giving a workshop on how to establish boundaries and stop abusive behaviour in society. This was followed up by the PyLadies lunch, sponsored by Kraken Technologies, that had 120 allies joining us for a truly empowerment session.


The afternoon had a #IAmRemarkable workshop hosted by Lola Onipko! We also had a Meet & Greet session where beginners and experienced PyLadies shared knowledge and insights of the tech industry.

Picture by Deborah Foroni (PyLadies SP)

💬 Python Organisers Discussion

We had +35 community members joining us to discuss how the EuroPython Society can better support Python Communities.

✍️ Community write-ups

It warms our hearts to see posts from the community about their experience and stories this year! Here are some of them, please feel free to share yours by tagging us on socials @europython or mailing us at

Anwesha Das about EuroPython 2024:

A conference that believes community matters, human values and feelings matter, and not afraid to walk the talk. And how the conference stood up to my expectations in every bit.

Keep reading here:

Grete Tungla, PyCon Estonia’s Head Organiser shares her insights from EuroPython 2024:

Jakub Cervinka shares how he was to participate in the Operations team organising EuroPython 2024:červinka-eusme

❤️ Thank you Volunteers & Sponsors

Year after year EuroPython shines because of the hard work of our amazing team of volunteers!

But beyond the logistics and the schedules, it's your smiles, your enthusiasm, and your genuine willingness to go the extra mile that truly made EuroPython 2024 truly special. Your efforts have not only fostered a sense of belonging among first time attendees but also exemplified the power of community and collaboration that lies at the heart of this conference. (And if you check out our blog post about the post-conference feedback, you'll see that community was the thing people reported liking most about EuroPython this year!)

Once again, thank you for being the backbone of EuroPython, for your dedication, and for showing the world yet again why people who come for the Python language end up staying for the amazing community :)

We built a page on our website to thank everyone for their effort on making EuroPython 2024 what it was! Check it out:

And a special thank you to all of the Sponsors for all of their support!

Yay sponsors!

Special thanks to StickerApp for the awesome stickers, Evolabel for shipping, Pretalx for the partnership and Kraken Technologies for the PyLadies lunch!

🎥 Conference Photos & Videos

The official conference photos are up on Flickr! Do not forget to tag us when you share your favourite clicks on your socials 😉.

While our team edits the conference videos, we've put together a EuroPython 2024 livestream playlist with all the daily links. We hope this helps you easily find and enjoy the talks you want to catch up on Youtube.

We also have a sweet video featuring the amazing humans of EuroPython sharing why they volunteer!

🤝 Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct Transparency Report is now published on our website:

🐍  Note from The PSF

The Python Software Foundation is proud to support EuroPython Prague 2024 with a grant in support of our mission to promote, protect, and advance the Python programming language and to support and facilitate the growth of a diverse and international community of Python programmers. We send congratulations and thanks to the organizers for their work to create a wonderful experience for the Python community!

The PSF is the non-profit charitable organization behind the Python language. We empower the Python community in a variety of ways including paying developers to work directly on CPython, PyPI, and security, hosting projects like PyLadies and Pallets, organizing PyCon US, and awarding community grants like this one. We welcome you to be a part of the PSF by signing up for PSF membership or supporting our mission and initiatives with a one-time, monthly, or annual donation. If your company uses Python and wants to support our community, you can find more information and submit a sponsor application on our website. We’re happy to answer any questions at

🗓️ Upcoming Events in the Python Community

EuroPython might over but fret not there are a bunch of more PyCons happening

Enjoy a 30% discount for PyCon Estonia 2024 on Late Snake tickets with the code "EPSXPYCONEST24" over here:

$ pip install pyjokes
$ pyjoke
Hardware: The part of a computer that you can kick.

How to Maximize Your Experience at EuroPython 2024 🐍✨

EuroPython 2024 is set to be an electrifying event for Python enthusiasts, taking place in the vibrant city of Prague from July 8th to 14th. Whether you're a first-timer or a seasoned attendee, here are some tips to help you squeeze every bit of goodness out of the conference.

Plan Your Schedule in Advance 🗓️

Review the EuroPython schedule to spot sessions, workshops, and events that spark your interest. The week is loaded with activities: Monday and Tuesday are for tutorials and free workshops (C API Summit, HumbleData, DjangoGirls and WASM Summit); Wednesday to Friday are full of keynotes and talks, social events, PyLadies events and panel discussions. Finally, the weekend is reserved for the Open Source Sprints.

Mix and match your experience by attending a variety of sessions! From technical talks and tutorials to keynote speeches, there's a smorgasbord of content for all levels. We have talks for beginners and advanced Pythonistas including tracks like Python internals, LLMs, Ethics & Philosophy, Web Technologies, Education & Community, DevOps, and so much more.

Pro tip: Keynote speakers always drop some serious knowledge bombs 😉

Engage in Workshops & Summits 🛠️

Dive into workshops for a hands-on learning adventure. Whether you're a newbie learning to build websites with Django Girls or exploring data science with HumbleData, there's something for everyone. Discuss the state of the C API at the C API Summit or get the latest on WebAssembly at the WASM Summit.

Some of these events have limited slots, while others are first-come, first-served. Make sure to register on the website and arrive early on the day of the event!

Network Actively 🤝

Sessions are packed with information, but they might not cover your particular problem. Don't hesitate to ask the speakers about anything they didn't cover. Make sure to use Discord to reach out if you cannot find them in the corridors.

All participants should join our Discord server as this is the main communication platform during the conference. The link invite will be sent via email on the following days.

Take advantage of breaks to mingle and tap into the wealth of knowledge around you. And don't forget the Pac-Man rule: always leave a spot open so others can easily join the conversation.

Engage in the Hallway & Harness the power of networking!

Chat with fellow attendees, speakers, and sponsors during breaks, social events, and open spaces. Networking can lead to new collaborations, job opportunities, and friendships within the Python community. Here are some tips to help you start a conversation

  • Look for lanyards with the "speaker" tag and ask them about their topic.
  • Approach someone with a simple "Hi, what do you think of the event so far?" or "What sessions have you found interesting?"
  • Pay attention to the stickers on people's badges indicating their preferred level of contact: "no contact," "happy to hug," or "handshake only." Always respect these preferences.

Remember it's normal to feel shy, many people do, but the Python community is known for being extra nice :) Don't miss out on the chance to connect with others, this is the perfect place to try and reach out.

Visit the Sponsors Hall 🛍️

Stroll through the Sponsor's Hall to check out the latest products and services from exhibitors. It's swag central and a goldmine for discovering new tools and technologies to boost your Python projects. A lot of our sponsors are also actively hiring in case you are on the lookout.

If you are attending remotely, Sponsors will have channels where you can chat and find out more. Remember to also keep an eye on the Virtual Swag and Job board on our website for extra gifts.

Attend Social Events 🎉

Don't miss the social events like the PyLadies lunch and Social Event, Prague Boat Trip, Speakers’ Dinner, and the big Social Event where you are invited to bring your board games and instruments!

These events are perfect for connecting & sharing ideas with like-minded individuals in a relaxed setting. Plus, they are a whole lot of fun! 🎉

Take Care of Yourself 🧘

Conferences are a marathon, not a sprint. Stay hydrated, eat well, and get plenty of rest. We will help by serving light lunches, snacks and coffee during the breaks throughout the day. Take breaks to recharge and keep your energy levels high.

Feeling overwhelmed? We have a Quiet Room and a low-stimulation room at the venue so you can wind down.

Explore Prague 🏰

Seize the chance to explore the enchanting city of Prague. Dive into the local culture, savour the cuisine, and visit the landmarks. The Prague Congress Centre is conveniently located, making it easy to venture out.

Our volunteers wrote a page with tips and things to do:

We hope it helps you and your companions to have a great time in Prague 😃

Share Your Experience 📢

After the conference, share your newfound wisdom with your community. Write a blog post, give a presentation, or organize a meetup to spread the knowledge. It reinforces what you've learned and helps those who couldn't attend.

Make sure to tag us on socials @EuroPython or use #EuroPython2024. We will be reposting the coolest community posts during the event!


EuroPython 2024 promises to be an enriching experience brimming with learning, networking, and fun. By planning ahead, engaging actively, and taking care of yourself, you'll make the most of this incredible event.

See you in Prague! 🌟

For more details, visit the EuroPython 2024 official website.

EuroPython June 2024 Newsletter

🐍 EuroPython 2024: The Ultimate Python Party Awaits! 🎉

Hello Pythonistas,

Get ready to code, connect, and celebrate at EuroPython 2024! We’re thrilled to bring you an unforgettable conference experience filled with enlightening talks, engaging workshops, and a whole lot of fun. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting your Python journey, there's something for everyone. Let's dive into the details!


Don't miss out on the Python event of the year! Secure your spot today and be part of the magic.

🎟️ Buy your tickets here!!! 🎟️

The Late Bird prices kick in this Saturday (June 22nd).


The schedule is OUT! Check out all the awesome stuff we have planned for you in Prague this year.

🎤 Keynote Speakers

We're excited to announce our stellar lineup of keynote speakers who will inspire and challenge you with their insights and experiences:

  • Carol Willing - Developer Advocate at Noteable and core developer of Jupyter and CPython.
  • Tereza Iofciu - Data Science Lead at Free Now, co-founder of PyLadies Hamburg.
  • Anna Přistoupilová - Bioinformatician and researcher.
  • Armin Ronacher - Creator of Flask and Director of Engineering at Sentry.
  • Łukasz Langa - Python core developer and Release Manager for Python 3.8 and 3.9.
  • Mai Giménez - Senior research engineer at Google DeepMind, specialising in large language and multimodal models.

🥳 Social Events

  • Boat Trip: Set sail on Friday with us for a scenic boat trip to enjoy an evening of networking and relaxation. Make sure to reserve your spot early! Sign-up will be available soon.
  • EuroPython Social Event: Join us for a fantastic evening in Prague. This event promises great food, drinks, and the opportunity to connect with fellow attendees in a beautiful setting. You will be invited to bring your favourite games and musical instruments. Stay tuned!
  • Speakers’ Dinner: An exclusive dinner event for our speakers to network, share insights, and enjoy a relaxing evening before the conference kicks off. More information here.

🍽  PyLadies Lunch

PyLadies Lunch at EuroPython 2023 at the Prague Conference Centre

On Thursday, 11th July 2024 12:30 to 14:00. Join us for a special lunch event aimed at fostering community and empowerment among women in tech.

Thank you to our sponsor 🐙 Kraken Tech 🐙 for supporting the lunch event.

We’re excited to announce a range of events for underrepresented groups in computing this year! 🎉 Whether you’re new to PyLadies or a long-time supporter, we warmly welcome you to join us and be part of our supportive community.

  • Self-Defence Workshop: Learn to defend yourself against inappropriate behaviour in this supportive session. Facilitated by a professional therapist, you'll gain practical skills and mutual support.
  • #IAmRemarkable: Empower yourself in this workshop designed to help women and underrepresented groups celebrate their achievements and enhance their self-promotion skills.
  • Meet & Greet with PyLadies: Network with seasoned members of the PyLadies community. Gain valuable insights, advice, and inspiration for your Python journey.

Sign up for any of the sessions above here

🌍 Community Organiser's Lunch

On Friday (July 12th) at 1 pm. A great opportunity for community leaders to network and discuss strategies for success. This lunch will include an Open Space discussion about Python Organizations and how we deal with challenges.

Sign up for the Community Organiser’s session here

👩‍💻 Learn to Build Websites With Django Girls

Are you interested in learning how to build websites and belong to an underrepresented group in computing? Join us for a one-day workshop!

No prior programming experience is required. The workshop is open to everyone, regardless of participation in EuroPython. For more information, click here

👶 Childcare

This year, we're once again partnering with Susie's Babysitting Prague to offer childcare at the main conference venue (Prague Conference Centre).

If you're interested, please let us know at the latest two weeks before the event by filling out this form.

You will be asked about the Childcare add-on when you buy your ticket.

💻 Sprint Weekend

EuroPython 2024 Sprints will be during the weekend of the 13th and 14th of July. This year, the event will happen at a different venue from the conference and it will be free for anyone with a conference ticket to join!

As per our tradition, the EuroPython will provide the rooms and facilities but the sprints are organised by YOU. It is a great chance to contribute to open-source projects large and small, learn from each other, geek out and have fun. 🐍

Lunch and coffee will be provided.

  • When: 13th and 14th July 2024 (09:30 - 17:00)
  • Where: To be determined

🤭 Py.Jokes

~ pyjoke
There are only two hard problems in Computer Science: cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one-errors.

📱 Stay Connected

Share your EuroPython experience on social media!

Use the hashtag #EuroPython2024 and follow us on:

With so much joy and excitement,

EuroPython 2024 Team 🤗

Humble Data workshop for beginners - Pythonistas and data scientists

Among the many wonderful workshops at EuroPython this year, we are pleased to announce we will be running the Humble Data workshop in person on Tuesday 9th July 2023, at the Prague Congress Centre (PCC). This is following successful deliveries of this workshop at PyCon US, Ghana, Namibia, Africa, Germany, Italy, PyData Global and of course, EuroPython 2022 and 2023!

How is the workshop?

Curious about the event? Read on.

Humble Data workshops are designed to get those from underrepresented groups started in both Python and data science, in an inclusive, laid-back and empathic environment. The workshops are designed to help people with zero experience with coding to learn some of the most fundamental operations in Python, and in turn, use these to get started with reading, transforming and visualizing data.

Humble Data at EuroPython 2023

The workshop will happen on 9th July 2024 for 6 hours, from 09:30 to 17:00 at the Prague Congress Centre (PCC), Room Club C

As part of the workshop, participants will work through a series of approachable tutorials with the help of a mentor. For 3 hours (breaks included) we will have teams that will work together with mentors to do plenty of exercises, quizzes and games, to go from Zero to Hero in Python data science. All that participants will need to bring is a laptop with internet access - we will help them get started with the rest!

Let us help you get started on your Python data science journey. You can read more about the workshop here.

How can I get involved?

Like the idea? Join us as a mentor or mentee!

If you’re new to coding or data science, and want to learn more in a supportive environment, apply to join us at the Humble Data workshop by filling in this form (attendees) or this form (mentors). Participation is free for anyone with a EuroPython Conference Ticket or Combined Ticket. Please note that you will need a conference ticket to participate in this workshop - we thank you for your understanding!

If you’re interested in mentoring, we would love to have your help! It is no issue if you're not the most experienced programmer or data scientist: rather, we are looking for people who are respectful, patient, friendly, curious, and able to explain technical concepts in a way that is approachable for beginners. In return, you will receive the eternal gratitude of the organisers and attendees, the chance to meet people outside of your bubble, and in turn show that you don’t need to fit a certain mold to “look like” a developer or data scientist.

Our wonderful Humble Data mentor at EuroPython 2023

Finally, if you know anyone attending EuroPython this year who you think would like to either attend or mentor Humble Data, please encourage them to apply!

If you’re interested in attending as a mentee, please fill in this form, or as a mentor, please fill in this form, by July 1st, 2023.

We can’t wait to see you all in Prague this July!

How EuroPython Proposals Are Selected: An Inside Look

With the number of Python-related conferences around the world, many people might wonder how the selection process is configured and performed. For the largest and oldest European Python conference, EuroPython, we wanted to share how this process works.

The Programme team for each EuroPython conference changes every year. There are mechanisms in place to carry on some of the processes and traditions when dealing with proposals for the next event, although you can still find some differences each year. These differences are not large enough to make a significant impact.

The 2024 Process

In this post, we highlight how the 2024 process was conducted and your role in it, whether as a submitter or potential contributor in future versions.

Opening the Call for Proposals

This year, the Call for Proposals (CfP) configuration was based on the 2023 version, with minor modifications. For example, two new tracks were added to enable more people to categorise their proposals:

  • PyData: Research & Applications
  • PyData: LLMs

This change was motivated by the popularity of these topics at other global conferences. In addition, other tracks were merged or removed to keep the number manageable.

For many people, having a configuration with both an Abstract and a Description is confusing. Not everyone knows what to write in each field. To address this, we decided to be clearer: we dropped the Description field and asked explicitly for an Outline section. The intention was that to submit a proposal, one would require an Abstract and an Outline for their session.

Reviewers from the Community

We opened a form to get help from the community for reviewing the talks and decided to accept most (if not all) of them to nurture our review results as much as possible. We had more than 20 people helping with reviewing proposals on Pretalx.

We created a few “track groups” containing related categories that the reviewers could choose from. This way, there was no pressure to have an opinion on a topic one might not be familiar with.

We had an average of six reviews per proposal, which greatly helped us make a final decision.

Community Voting

Another way to receive input is through Community Voting, which allows participants who have attended any of the EuroPythons since 2012 to vote on the upcoming programme.

Using a separate simple web application, people participated by voting for the proposals they wanted to see at EuroPython 2024. We were fortunate to have enough people voting to get a good estimate of preferences.

Fun fact: Around 11 people were able to review all of the nearly 640 proposals we received this year.

We are very grateful to everyone who participated!

My reaction when I saw a good proposal to be voted at EP 2024.

Programme Committee

This year the programme committee was mostly formed by a group of new people to the conference, helped by a few people familiar with the process from last year. In total, around 11 people were actively participating.

Like most Programme teams, we did our best to get people from different areas to have a more diverse general mindset, including skills from Data, Core, DevOps, and Web technologies.

It was important for us to have local people on the team, and we are very happy to have had two members from the local Czech community helping, while the rest were spread across Europe.

Selection Process

Based on the reviewers' results from Pretalx and Community Voting, we generated a master sheet that was used to perform the selection process.

Track by track, the Programme team went through each proposal that had good Pretalx and Community Voting results and voted (again) for the talks they believed were good material for the conference.

During the selection process, we felt that we did not have enough expertise in a specific area. Therefore, we are very thankful that we could add four more members to the selection team to remedy that.

After three calls, each lasting around 2 hours, the Programme team had the first batch of accepted proposals. The speakers for these proposals were notified as soon as the decision was made. Following a similar process, we did the same for the second (and final) batch of accepted and rejected proposals.

To ensure the acceptance of proposals from most tracks and topics, many plots and statistical analyses were created to visualise the ratio of accepted proposals to submitted ones, the variety of topics, and the diversity of speakers.

Plots from pretalx visualising Proposals by Submission date, Session type, Track & State

Even though it sounds cliché, there were many good proposals we couldn't accept immediately since the high volume and quality of proposals made it challenging to make instant decisions. We kept debating whether to place them on the waiting list.

Ultimately, we created another category for proposals that "could be accepted" allowing us to manage and organise high-quality proposals that required further deliberation.

Programme team trying to figure which talk to choose from the waiting list

What about sponsored talks?

Each year, the conference offers sponsors with certain packages the perk of hosting a sponsored talk, meaning that some of the talk slots had to be saved for that purpose. Slots not taken were filled by proposals on the waiting list.

Is selecting the talks the end of the story?

No. After proposals are accepted/confirmed, special requirements emerge, mainly about "I’m sorry, I cannot be at the conference, can I do it online?" Which, in our opinion, is unfortunate news—not because we don’t like it, but because we have learned that remote talks are not as popular with attendees.

Even though there are some special cases that we fully understand, we noticed a few cases not being convincing enough. In those cases, we had to encourage people to give up their slot for other in-person proposals. This is a tricky process as we are limited in the total amount of remote talks possible, the specific reasons for the change, and the overall scenario for the conference.

What is needed to get accepted?

Most rejected proposals are rejected because they have a weak abstract.

We have tried many means to encourage people to ask questions and seek feedback about their proposals, and we have hosted calls providing the details of good proposals. Still, every year we get proposals that have a poorly structured, incomplete abstract, etc.

For us, a good abstract contains the following:

  • Context of your talk or problem
  • Definition of the problem
  • Why is it important to find a solution to that problem?
  • What will be discussed and what will attendees learn?
  • Previous requirements or additional comments on your talk

You can also imagine a proposal like an elevator pitch. You need to describe it in a way that’s striking and motivates people to attend.

Don’t Forget About the Outline!

This year, we introduced an “outline” field for you to paste the outline of your talk, including the time you will spend on each item. This is essential to get an idea of how much you will be talking about each topic. (Hint: add up the expected times.)

The outline might sound like an obvious topic to you, but many people failed to provide a detailed one. Some even copied the abstract here, so you might understand the importance of this field as well.

Why Does It Feel Like the Same People Are Speakers Every Year?

The main reason for this is that those people followed the proper abstract structure and provided a descriptive outline. Having experience being rejected certainly helps. So we hope that after giving you detailed selection process standards, you know how to crack the selection process.

What about AI?

We discussed a few proposals that “felt AI written” and even used external tools to assess them. In the end, we didn’t have a strict ruling against people using Artificial Intelligence tools to improve their proposals.

When a proposal felt like it was AI-generated, we went deeper into the proposal and the speaker's background. For example, by analysing the bio from the speaker and checking if the person was giving talks somewhere else. Most importantly, if the “speaker” was a real person.

Independently of how the Programme team feels towards AI tools, we cannot completely ignore how these tools are helping some people with structure and grammar, as well as overall assisting them in their writing process. This might change in the future, but currently, we have not written regulations against the usage of AI tools.

The 2025 Process and Final Words

As described before, the team and process can change a bit next year, but we expect the same critical aspects of a good abstract and outline to be essential to the process.

We encourage you to ask for feedback, participate in sessions teaching how to write good proposals, participate on our Speaker's Mentorship programme. These can truly help you to get accepted into the conference.

Having said all this, each conference has a different selection process. Maybe the reason your proposal was not selected is due to a better proposal on the same topic, or too many similar proposals in the same track, or your proposal just did not fit this year's Zeitgeist (i.e. Community Voting).

Please don’t be discouraged! We highly recommend you keep working on your proposal, tweak it, write a new one, and most importantly, try again.

Submitting Several Proposals Doesn’t Help!

We value quality over quantity and will compare your proposals against each other. This is extra work and might even give you less of a chance because of a split vote between your proposals. So submitting more than 10 proposals to get accepted is the wrong approach.

The Call for Proposals will likely be open earlier next year. We hope you can follow the recommendations in this post and get your proposal to accepted for EuroPython 2025.

And remember: Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback!

Thanks for reading! This community post is written by Cristián on behalf of EuroPython 2024 Programme team

EuroPython May 2024 Newsletter

Hello, Python people! 🐍

Welcome back to our cosy corner of community & code!

It's absolutely fantastic to have you here again, especially as we countdown the days until our reunion in Prague! 🎉 It’s been months since our last gathering in this magical city, and we couldn’t be more excited to be back.

Fun fact: did you know that Czechia has recently been ranked among the world's top 20 happiest countries? It's the ideal place to spark joy and inspiration as we come together once again.

A lot of things have happened since our last catch-up. Let’s dive right into it!

📣 Programme

As you might know, we reached a record number of submitted proposals this year. After analyzing 627 submissions, we are glad to announce a sneak peek of what you will see at EuroPython this year.

If you are still not convinced to join us, we have another big announcement! Here are the keynote speakers we have lined up. 🌟

  • Carol Willing - Three-time Python Steering Council membership, Core Developer status, and PSF Fellow
  • Tereza Iofciu - Seasoned data pro with 15 years experience, Python community star, won the PSF community service award in 2021
  • Łukasz Langa - CPython Developer in Residence, Python 3.8 & 3.9 release manager, original creator of Black, pianist, dad
  • Mai Giménez - Google Deepmind senior engineer specializing in large language and multimodal models, former Spanish Python Association board member 🐍
  • Armin Ronacher - Creator of popular Python libraries such as Flask, Jinja, and Click, Armin is currently the VP of Platform at Sentry.
  • Anna Přistoupilová - Bioinformatics scientist focused on genome analysis techniques and their applications in understanding rare genetic diseases. She received the Bolzano Award for her doctoral thesis.

The schedule is gonna be packed with all your amazing talks, tutorials and posters. The official schedule with the dates and times will be posted soon!  Keep those eyes open on our social media channels and website! 📅✨

All of this wouldn’t be real without the great efforts of the EuroPython programme team.  Many volunteers from all teams spared their time to reach out to people and review the proposals. ❤️

🙌 Big cheers to those who helped shape the EuroPython programme making EuroPython 2024 the best one yet! 🚀🐍

🗃️ Keynote Speakers

Let us better introduce the listed EuroPython 2024 keynote speakers! ⚡️🐍❤️

Keynote speaker #1: Carol Willing

Carol Willing

Don't miss your chance to hear from Carol Willing, who is a three-time Python Steering Council member, Python Core Developer, PSF Fellow, and Project Jupyter core contributor. 🔥

In 2019, she was honoured with the Frank Willison Award for her outstanding technical and community contributions to Python. Carol played a pivotal role in Project Jupyter, recognized with the prestigious 2017 ACM Software System Award for its enduring impact. Being the leading figure in open science and open-source governance herself. Carol serves on the advisory boards of Quansight Labs, CZI Open Science, and pyOpenSci.

She’s committed to democratizing open science through accessible tools and learning resources, and most recently served as Noteable's VP of Engineering.

Get ready to be inspired by Carol's insights at EuroPython 2024!

Keynote speaker #2: Tereza Iofciu

Tereza Iofciu

Get ready to be inspired by Tereza Iofciu, a seasoned data practitioner and leadership coach with over 15 years of expertise in Data Science, Data Engineering, Product Management, and Team Management. 🔥

Tereza's dedication to the Python Community is unmatched; she has worn numerous hats over the years, serving as the organiser for PyLadies Hamburg, board member of Python Software Verband, steering committee member of NumFocus DISC, and team member of Python Software Foundation Code of Conduct. Not stopping there, Tereza is also actively involved in promoting Diversity & Inclusion as a working group member, while also taking the roles of the organiser for PyConDE & PyData Berlin, Python Pizza Hamburg, and co-leader of PyPodcats (If you haven't heard, PyPodcats is a fantastic new podcast dedicated to highlighting the hidden figures of the Python community. Led by the PyPodcats team—Cheuk Ting Ho, Georgi Ker, Mariatta Wijaya, and Tereza Iofciu— aimed to amplify the voices of underrepresented group members within the Python community). 🐈🐱

In recognition of her outstanding contributions, Tereza was honoured with the Python Software Foundation Community Service Award in 2021. Now, if that's not a sign to catch her awesome keynote, I don't know what is!

Keynote speaker #3: Łukasz Langa

Introducing Łukasz Langa: a polymath whose impact on the Python ecosystem is as diverse as his array of interests!

As the CPython Developer in Residence and the mastermind behind Python 3.8 & 3.9 releases, Łukasz plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of Python. He's the original creator of Black, revolutionising the way we write Python code.

Beyond his coding prowess, Łukasz is a talented pianist and a devoted father.

When he's not immersed in Python development, you'll find him indulging his passions for analogue modular synthesisers 😍, immersing himself in captivating single-player role-playing games like Fallout and Elder Scrolls, or relishing in the complexity of a fine single malt Scotch whisky.

Brace yourself for an enlightening journey through Łukasz's experiences and insights! 🚀🎹🥃

Keynote speaker #4: Mai Giménez

Mai Giménez

Allow us to introduce Mai Giménez, Ph.D., a senior research engineer at Google DeepMind specialising in large language and multimodal models.

Mai's passion lies in crafting technology that benefits everyone, with her primary research focus being on language and the sociotechnical impacts of AI in the real world. The impact of her contributions extends beyond her work at Google DeepMind. She's a former board member of the Spanish Python Association and has played a pivotal role in organising several PyConES conferences.

Additionally, Mai proudly contributes to the Python community as a member of PyLadies. Get ready to be inspired by Mai's expertise and insights as she graces the stage at EP24! 🌟

Keynote speaker #5: Armin Ronacher

A household name in the open-source world Armin Ronacher is the creator of popular Python libraries such as Flask, Jinja, and Click, Armin has left quite a mark on the Python ecosystem, empowering developers worldwide with efficient tools and frameworks.

Armin Ronacher

He is currently the VP of Platform at Sentry and recently he started an experimental Python package and project manager that attempts to bring Rust’s modern developer experience to Python. We are so excited to hear from him at EuroPython 2024!

Keynote speaker #6: Anna Přistoupilová

Put your hands together for Anna Přistoupilová!! Anna is a bioinformatics scientist focused on genome analysis techniques and their applications in understanding rare genetic diseases. She received the Bolzano Award for her doctoral thesis!

Anna Přistoupilová

Anna holds a PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics, and Virology and two MSc degrees: one in Medical Technology and Informatics, and the other in Molecular Biology and Genetics, all from Charles University.

She has co-authored over 25 publications in peer-reviewed journals and has presented her work at various scientific conferences.

Currently, Anna works as a Senior Bioinformatics Scientist at DNAnexus company, where she assists customers with their bioinformatics analysis. She also conducts research at the Research Unit for Rare Diseases at the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University.

🎟️ Conference Registration

It's time to secure your tickets for the conference!

We've heard you loud and clear—you don’t want to miss the opportunity to hear from our incredible keynote speakers and be a part of EuroPython 2024.

Here's the list of tickets available for purchase.👇

  • Conference Tickets: access to the main Conference AND Sprints Weekend
  • Tutorial Tickets: access to the two days of Workshops AND Sprints Weekend. NO access to the main event.
  • Combined Tickets: access to everything for the seven days! Includes workshops, main Conference and Sprints weekend.

Other than the types, there are also payment tiers that are offered to answer each participant’s needs. Such as:

  • Business Tickets (for companies and employees funded by their companies)
  • Personal Tickets (for individuals)
  • Education Tickets (for students and teachers, an educational ID is required at the registration)
Buzzing registration desk from EuroPython 2023

For those who cannot physically join us but still want to support the community, we have the remote ticket option.

  • Remote ticket: access to the Live streaming of the talks, Q&A with the speakers and Discord server.

Join us and connect with the delightful community of Pythonistas in Prague. Make your summer more fun!

Need more information regarding tickets? Please visit the website or contact us at!

⚖️ Visa Application

Not sure if you need one? Please check the website and consult your local consular office or embassy. 🏫

If you do need a visa to attend EuroPython 2024, you can lodge a visa application issued for Short Stay (C), up to 90 days, for the purpose of “Business /Conference”. Please, do it ASAP!

Make sure you read all the visa pages carefully and prepare all the required documents before making your application. The EuroPython organizers are not able nor qualified to give visa advice.

However, we’re more than happy to help you with a visa support letter. But before sending your request, please note that you will need to be registered to request the letter. We can only issue visa support letters to confirmed participants.

Hence, We kindly ask you to purchase your ticket before filling in the request form.

For more information, please check or contact us at ✈️

💶 Financial Aid

The first round of our Financial Aid Programme received record-high applications this year and we are very proud to be supporting so many Pythonistas to attend the conference.

The second round of applications wrapped up on May 19th and now the team is actively working to individually review the applications! More information at

💰 Sponsorship

If you want to support EuroPython and its efforts to make the event accessible to everyone, please consider sponsoring, or asking your employer to do so. More information at: 🫂

Sponsoring EuroPython guarantees you highly targeted visibility and the opportunity to present yourself/your company to one of the largest and most diverse Python communities in Europe and beyond!

There are several sponsor tiers and slots are limited. This year, besides our main packages, we offer add-ons as optional extras where companies can opt to support the community in many other ways:

  • By directly sponsoring the PyLadies lunch event
  • By supporting participants by funding Financial Aid
  • By having their logo on all lanyards of the conference
  • Or even by improving the event’s accessibility.

Interested? Email us at

🤝Join us as a Volunteer!

To make the conference an amazing experience for everyone, we need enthusiastic on-site volunteers from July 8-14. Whether you're confident at leading people, love chatting with new folks at registration, are interested in chairing a session or just want to help out -  we've got a role for you. Volunteering is a fantastic way to gain experience, make new connections, and have lots of fun while doing it.

Interested? Have a look at to find out more and how to apply.

We're also considering remote volunteers, so if you're interested in helping out but can't make it to Prague, please mention that explicitly in your email.

We can't wait to see you in Prague! 🚀

🎟Events @EuroPython

EuroPython 2023 social event

This year, we want to make our social event bigger and better for everyone. Hence, we are planning to host a bigger party. Tickets will be available for purchase on the website soon! Stay tuned.

🎉 Community

EuroPython at PyCon Italia 🇮🇹 May 22nd - 25th 2024

PyCon Italia 2024 will happen in Florence. The birthplace of Renaissance will receive a wave of Pythonistas looking to geek out this year, including a lot of EuroPython people.

If you are going to PyCon Italia (tickets are sold out) join us to help organise EuroPython 2024!

🎤 First-Time Speaker Workshop

Join us for the Speaker’s Mentorship Programme - First-Time Speaker Workshop on Monday, June 3rd, at 19:00 CEST! 🎤

This online panel session features experienced speakers sharing advice for first-time (or other) speakers. Following the panel discussion, there will be a dedicated Q&A session to address all participants' inquiries. The event is open to the public, and registration is required through this form.

As the event date approaches, registered participants will receive further details via email. Don't miss this opportunity to learn and grow as a speaker!

News from the EuroPython Community❣️

  • Check out our phenomenal co-organizer Mia Bajic on a recent podcast where she shared her experiences volunteering in the Python community! 🎙️ Mia is a true pillar of the Python community, she has shared her expertise and passion at multiple PyCons across the globe. 🌍 Her efforts extend beyond borders as she tirelessly works to bring Pythonic people together in Prague, hosting events such as Pyvo and the first-ever Python Pizza in the city! 🍕 Mia's dedication and contributions make both Czech Python community and EuroPython a better place, and we're beyond grateful to have her on board shaping the EuroPython experience. 🙌 Note: The podcast is in Czech. 🎧


  • Joana is doing a Master's in Medical Imaging and Applications. Originally from Ghana, she joined the Communications team of EuroPython this year bringing her experience and innovative thinking from PyLadies Ghana.

She wrote an article about her Community involvement and the impact it has had on her career. She says:

I met and saw women who had achieved great things in data science and machine learning, which meant that I could also, through their stories, find a plan to at least help me get close to what they had done.

Full article:

🐍 Upcoming Events

GeoPython: May 27-29 2024

  • GeoPython 2024 will happen in Basel, Switzerland.

For more information about GeoPython 2024, you can visit their website: June 5-9 2024

DjangoCon Europe 2024 will happen in Vigo, Spain. You can check more information about Django Con Europe at their lovely website (

PyCon Portugal: 17-19 October 2024

Pycon Portugal will happen in Altice Forum, Braga. More information on the official website:

PyCon Poland: August 29th - September 1st

The 16th edition of PyCon PL is happening in Gliwice! For more information, visit their website

PyCon Taiwan 2024: September 21st - September 22nd

PyCon Taiwan will introduce a new activity segment: Poster Session! The deadline to submit your posters is June 15th, through the submission form.

More information on their website:

🤭 Py.Jokes

~ pyjoke
Two threads walk into a bar.
The barkeeper looks up and yells, 
'Hey, I want don't any conditions race like time last!'

🐣 See You All Next Month

Before saying goodbye, thank you so much for reading. We can’t wait to reunite with all you amazing people in beautiful Prague again.

It truly is time to make new Python memories together!

With so much joy and excitement,

EuroPython 2024 Team 🤗

EuroPython April 2024 Newsletter

Hello, Python enthusiasts! 👋

Guess what? We're on the home stretch now, with less than 100 days left until we all rendezvous in the enchanting city of Prague for EuroPython 2024!

Only 91 days left until EuroPython 2024!

Can you feel the excitement tingling in your Pythonic veins?

Let’s look up what's been cooking in the EuroPython pot lately. 🪄🍜

📣 Programme

The curtains have officially closed on the EuroPython 2024 Call for Proposals! 🎬

We've hit records with an incredible 627 submissions this year!! 🎉

Thank you to each and every one of you brave souls who tossed your hats into the ring! 🎩 Your willingness to share your ideas has truly made this a memorable journey.

🗃️ Community Voting

EuroPython 2024 Community Voting was a blast!

The Community Voting is composed of all past EuroPython attendees and prospective speakers between 2015 and 2024.

We had 297 people contributing, making EuroPython more responsive to the community’s choices. 😎 We can’t thank you enough for helping us hear the voice of the Community.

Now, our wonderful programme crew along with the team of reviewers and community voters have been working hard to create the schedule for the conference! 📋✨

💰 Sponsor EuroPython 2024

EuroPython is a volunteer-run, non-profit conference. All sponsor support goes to cover the cost of running the Europython Conference and supporting the community with Grants and Financial Aid.

If you want to support EuroPython and its efforts to make the event accessible to everyone, please consider sponsoring (or asking your employer to sponsor).

Sponsoring EuroPython guarantees you highly targeted visibility and the opportunity to present your company to one of the largest and most diverse Python communities in Europe and beyond!

There are various sponsor tiers and some have limited slots available. This year, besides our main packages, we offer add-ons as optional extras. For more information, check out our Sponsorship brochure.

🐦 We have an Early Bird 10% discount for companies that sign up by April 15th.🐦

More information at: 🫂 Contact us at

🎟️ Ticket Sales

The tickets are now open to purchase, and there is a variety of options:

  • Conference Tickets: access to Conference and Sprint Weekends.
  • Tutorial Tickets: access to the Workshop/Tutorial Days and Sprint Weekend (no access to the main conference).
  • Combined Tickets: access to everything during the whole seven-day, i.e. workshops, conference talks and sprint weekend!

We also offer different payment tiers designed to answer each attendee's needs. They are:

Business Tickets: for companies and employees funded by their companies

  • Tutorial Only Business (Net price €400.00 + 21% VAT)
  • Conference Only Business (Net price €500.00 + 21% VAT)
  • Late Bird (Net price €750.00 + 21% VAT)
  • Combines Business (Net price €800.00 + 21% VAT)
  • Late Bird (Net price €1200.00 + 21% VAT)

Personal Tickets: for individuals

  • Tutorial Only Personal (€200.00 incl. 21%VAT)
  • Conference Only Personal (€300.00 incl. 21% VAT)
  • Late Bird (€450.00 incl. 21% VAT)
  • Combined Personal (€450.00 incl. 21% VAT)
  • Late Bird (€675.00 incl. 21% VAT)

Education Tickets: for students and active teachers (Educational ID is required at registration)

  • Conference Only Education (€135.00 incl. 21% VAT)
  • Tutorial Only Education (€100.00 incl. 21% VAT)
  • Combined Education (€210.00 incl. 21% VAT)
Fun fact: Czechia has been ranked among the world's top 20 happiest countries recently.

Seize the chance to grab an EP24 ticket and connect with the delightful community of Pythonistas and happy locals this summer! ☀️

Need more information regarding tickets? Please visit or contact us at

⚖️ Visa Application

If you require a visa to attend EuroPython 2024 in Prague, now is the time to start preparing.

The first step is to verify if you require a visa to travel to the Czech Republic.

The Czech Republic is a part of the EU and the Schengen Area. If you already have a valid Schengen visa, you may NOT need to apply for a Czech visa. If you are uncertain, please check this website and consult your local consular office or embassy. 🏫

If you need a visa to attend EuroPython, you can lodge a visa application for Short Stay (C), up to 90 days, for the purpose of “Business /Conference”. We recommend you do this as soon as possible.

Please, make sure you read all the visa pages carefully and prepare all the required documents before making your application. The EuroPython organisers are not able nor qualified to give visa advice.

However, we are more than happy to help with the visa support letter issued by the EuroPython Society. Every registered attendee can request one; we only issue visa support letters to confirmed attendees. We kindly ask you to purchase your ticket before filling in the request form.

For more information, please check or contact us at ✈️

💶 Financial Aid

We are also pleased to announce our financial aid, sponsored by the EuroPython Society. The goal is to make the conference open to everyone, including those in need of financial assistance.

Submissions for the first round of our financial aid programme are open until April 21st 2024.

There are three types of grants including:

  • Free Ticket Voucher Grant
  • Travel/Accommodation Grant (reimbursement of travel costs up to €400.)
  • Visa Application Fee Grant (up to €80)

⏰ FinAid timeline

If you apply for the first round and do not get selected, you will automatically be considered for the second round. No need to reapply.

8 March 2024Applications open
21 April 2024round oneDeadline for submitting first-round applications
8 May 2024round oneFirst round of grant notifications
12 May 2024round oneDeadline to accept a first-round grant
19 May 2024round twoDeadline for submitting second-round applications1
5 June 2024round twoSecond round of grant notifications
12 June 2024round twoDeadline to accept a second-round grant
21 July 2024Deadline for submitting receipts/invoices

Visit for information on eligibility and application procedures for Financial Aid grants.

🎤 Public Speaking Workshop for Mentees

We are excited to announce that this year’s Speaker Mentorship Programme comes with an extra package!

We have selected a limited number of mentees for a 5-week interactive course covering the basics of a presentation from start to finish.

The main facilitator is the seasoned speaker Cheuk Ting Ho and the participants will end the course by delivering a talk covering all they have learned.

We look forward to the amazing talks the workshop participants will give us. 🙌

🐍 Upcoming Events in Europe

Here are some upcoming events happening in Europe soon.

Czech Open Source Policy Forum: Apr 24, 2024 (In-Person)

Interested in open source and happen to be near Brno/Czech Republic in April? Join the Czech Open Source Policy Forum and have the chance to celebrate the launch of the Czech Republic's first Open Source Policy Office (OSPO). More info at:

OSSCi Prague Meetup: May 16, 2024 (In-Person)

Join the forefront of innovation at OSSci Prague Meetup, where open source meets science. Call for Speakers is open!

PyCon DE & PyData Berlin: April 22-24 2024

Dive into three days of Python and PyData excellence at Pycon DE! Visit for details.

PyCon Italy: May 22-25 2024

PyCon Italia 2024 will happen in Florence. The schedule is online and you can check it out at their nice website:

GeoPython 2024: May 27-29, 2024

GeoPython 2024 will happen in Basel, Switzerland. For more information visit their website:

🤭 Py.Jokes

Can you imagine our newsletter without joy and laughter? We can’t. 😾🙅‍♀️❌ Here’s this month's PyJoke:

pip install pyjokesimport 


How many programmers does it take to change a lightbulb?

None, they just make darkness a standard!

🐣 See You All Next Month

Before saying goodbye, thank you so much for reading this far.

We can’t wait to reunite with all you amazing people in beautiful Prague again.

Let me remind you how pretty Prague is during summer. 🌺🌼🌺

Rozkvetlá jarní Praha, březen 2024 by Radoslav Vnenčák
Rozkvetlá jarní Praha, březen 2024 by Radoslav Vnenčák

Remember to take good care of yourselves, stay hydrated and mind your posture!

Oh, and don’t forget to force encourage your friends to join us at EuroPython 2024! 😌

It’s time again to make new Python memories together!

Looking forward to meeting you all here next month!

With much joy and excitement,

EuroPython 2024 Team 🤗

EuroPython March 2024 Newsletter

Hey ya 👋 hope you are having a good start to 2024 ❤️

It's been a dog’s age since we last spoke. In case you don’t know the reason for our hiatus: we took Elmo’s question of “How is everybody doing?” to its core and had to face the inner truths of our existence.

Luckily, soon the days got longer and the word news got worse so we had to unlock our doors and come out to organise the bestest of conferences!

We are now pumped to get things rolling and ready to cook up an awesome experience for EuroPython 2024 🚀

🇨🇿EuroPython 2024 - Prague Congress Centre 08-14 July

We are coming back to Prague! We loved last year so much that we decided to have EuroPython 2024 at the Prague Congress Centre again between the 8th and 14th of July, 2024. To stay up to date with the latest news, please visit our website.

We also encourage you to sign up to our monthly community newsletter.

Mr. Bean knows things

Call for Proposals 🐍

The call for proposals for EuroPython 2024 is OPEN! 🎉

This year we’re aiming for a similar schedule as last year, i.e. around 120 talks, more or less 16 tutorials, posters and special events.

  • Tutorials/Workshops (8-9 July): will be hands-on 180 min sessions with 40-100 participants
  • Talks (10-12 July) : 30 or 45 min length presentations of specific and general interest to the European Python community (including a dedicated PyData track).

We are looking for sessions of all levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

You are also welcome to submit posters! They will be printed in large formats. This is a graphical way to showcase your research, project or technology. Posters are exhibited at the conference, can be read at any time by participants, and can be discussed face-to-face with their authors during the Poster Sessions (between July 10th and 12th).

No matter your level of Python or public speaking experience, EuroPython's job is to help you bring yourself to our community so we all flourish and benefit from each other's experience and contribution. 🏆

The deadline for submission is March 6th, 2024 Anywhere on Earth.

We would love to see your proposals bubbling in there. Help us make 2024 the year of another incredible EuroPython!

For more information, have a look at

Speaker's Mentorship Programme 🎤

The Speaker's Mentorship Programme is back for EuroPython 2024!

We had a call for mentees and mentors last month and it was a huge success 🚀So far, we have managed to match 28 speakers to diligent mentors.

On the 26th of February, we hosted an Ask me Anything session for all the people interested in submitting a proposal. Our programme team was there and answered all the questions raised by interested speakers. We clarified information about the Call for Proposals and shared knowledge about Financial Aid, amongst other info.

If you are curious and would like to see what was discussed, the session recording can be found on YouTube at:

Call for Contributors

Conference Organisers 💪

To the wonderful humans who signed up to help organise the EuroPython Conference itself, thank you! We are late in replying to everyone and we are thankful for your patience. We got caught between dengue fevers 🦟 and carnivals 🎊.

The good news is that we are now back on track and will reach out to everyone this week.

We had a lot of applications this year, so a selection process was required. But fear nothing! In case you don’t get to work with the most fun team of all time, there is always next year. 🌟

We look forward to working together to make this conference an unforgettable experience for everyone involved 💼✨

Speaker’s mentors 🎏

For everyone who signed up to either mentor on the Speaker’s Mentorship Programme, a HUGE thank you! This would not be possible without your collaboration and work. We are so very proud to have you around learning and sharing and strengthening the community.

We truly hope you take advantage of the opportunity and develop the skills you’re looking for. After all, we believe the best way to learn is to teach. 📚✨

Proposal Reviewers 📔

We also announced the Call for Proposal Reviewers. These awesome volunteers are the people who review the proposal’s submissions and vote on the ones which they think are more suitable for making up the conference's programme.

This is very crucial work as it plays a significant part in shaping the EuroPython 2024 schedule!

A massive thank you to everyone who has filled the form to help. You will get a cucumber lollipop as a sign of our affection. 🍭

We will contact you by the end of the Call for Proposals to coordinate all the fun stuff. Please, keep an eye out for our email this month so we can start the labour. ⚒️

Fáilte Ireland Award 🏆

The 2022 edition of the EuroPython Conference (EPC) was in Dublin, Ireland. More old news? You bet! But this time it is relevant because in November 2023, the 21st edition of the EPC was awarded a Conference Ambassador Recognition Award from Fáilte Ireland, the National Tourism Development Authority for the country.

The evening was fantastic and a delightful way to acknowledge the people and businesses who have hosted conference events on the little Emerald Island. This is our first prize. We’re feeling proud and happy and wanted to share the news! 🥇

One of our members wrote more about the experience on LinkedIn.

Laís Carvalho (EuroPython) and Nicolas Laurance (Python Ireland) hold the Irish-sized whiskey glass awarded 🥃 from Failte Ireland

EPS Board

We have a new Board for 2023-2024.

If you want to learn the names of the new board members, head over to the article on our website:

TL;DR: We hope to do a fine job this year and help the European Python community thrive even more!

If you want to talk to us about anything, give feedback, or ask for a partner to count the stars beside you, shoot us an email at

Upcoming Events in Europe

Here are some Python events happening in Europe in the near future.

PyCon Slovakia: March 15-17 2024

PyCon SK will happen in the wonderful city of Bratislava! The conference is organised by the civic association SPy, which focuses on the promotion and dissemination of the Python programming language and other open-source technologies and ideas.

Check out their programme here: More information can be found on their website:

PyCon DE & PyData Berlin: April 22-24 2024

Immerse yourself in three days of Python and PyData excellence at our community-driven conference in the vibrant heart of Berlin. From workshops to live keynote sessions, connect with fellow enthusiasts and experts alike! Join fellow Pythonistas at the iconic BCC venue at Alexanderplatz where we actually hosted EuroPython 2014! Check out their website for more info:

PyCon Italy: May 22-25 2024

PyCon Italia 2024 will happen in Florence. The birthplace of Renaissance will receive a wave of Pythonistas looking to geek out this year. The schedule is online and you can check it out at their cutely animated website ( Beginners will have a special treat by having a full day of activities on May 22nd. Starting with Workshops about Python, Data Science, and Public Speaking.

It’s time to get tickets!

GeoPython: May 27-29 2024

GeoPython 2024 will happen in Basel, Switzerland. Focused on exploring the fascinating fusion of Python programming and the boundless world of Geo, the 9th edition of GeoPython has already published a preliminary schedule (here:

For more information about GeoPython 2024, you can visit their website here: June 5-9 2024

DjangoCon Europe 2024 will happen in Vigo, Spain. Organized by Django practitioners from all levels, the 16th edition of the Conference will be hosted in the beautiful Galician city, famous for its amazing food & the Illas Atlanticas.

You can check more information about Django Con Europe at their lovely website:


pip install pyjokesimport 


Child: Dad, why does the Sun rise in the East and set in the West?

Dad: Son, it's working, don't touch it!

That's all, folks! 🏁

Thanks for reading along.

We will have a regular monthly appearance in your inbox from now on. We are happy to tailor our future editions to accommodate what you'd like to see here. Influence what gets to your inbox by dropping us a line at

With joy and excitement,

EuroPython 2024 Team 🤗

EuroPython September 2023 Newsletter

Hello there and welcome to the post conference newsletter! We really hope you enjoyed EuroPython 2023 cause we sure did and are still recovering from all the fun and excitement. 😊

We have some updates to share with you and also wanted to use this newsletter to nostalgically look back at all the good times 🙌 we had in Prague just a month ago. Surrounded by old friends and new in the beautiful city of Prague, EuroPython 2023 was special for a lot of us 🤗 and the community, so we want to highlight some of those experiences!! So without further ado let’s get into the updates 🐍

EuroPython Society

The EPS board is working with our accountant and auditor to get our financial reports in order in the next couple of weeks. As soon as that is finalised, we will be excited to call for the next Annual General Assembly (GA); the actual GA will be held at least 14 days after our formal notice.

General Assembly is a great opportunity to hear about EuroPython Society's developments and updates in the last year & a new board will also be elected at the end of the GA.

All EPS members are invited to attend the GA and have voting rights. Find out how to sign up to become an EPS member for free here:

More about the EPS Board

The EPS board is made up of up to 9 directors (including 1 chair and 1 vice chair); the board runs the day-to-day business of the EuroPython Society, including running the EuroPython conference series, and supports the community through various initiatives such as our grants programme. The board collectively takes up the fiscal and legal responsibility of the Society.

At the moment, running the annual EuroPython conference is a major task for the EPS. As such, the board members are expected to invest significant time and effort towards overseeing the smooth execution of the conference, ranging from venue selection, contract negotiations, and budgeting, to volunteer management. Every board member has the duty to support one or more EuroPython teams to facilitate decision-making and knowledge transfer.

In addition, the Society prioritises building a close relationship with local communities. Board members should not only be passionate about the Python community but have a high-level vision and plan for how the EPS could best serve the community.

How can you become an EPS 2024 board member?

Any EPS member can nominate themselves for the EPS 2024 board. Nominations will be published prior to the GA.

Though the formal deadline for self-nomination is at the GA, it is recommended that you send in yours as early as possible (yes, now is a good time!) to

We look forward to your email :)

& for more information check out our Call for Board Candidates!

EPS 2023 General Assembly - Call for Board Candidates
It feels like yesterday that many of us were together in Prague or online for EuroPython 2023. Each year, the current board of the EuroPython Society (EPS) holds a General Assembly (GA). It is a precious opportunity for all our members to get together annually, and reflect on the learnings

Conference Numbers

With 142 Talks, 22 Tutorials, 10 Special events, 5 Keynotes, 3 panel discussions happening throughout the week, our “learn more about this” bookmarks list/backlog reached new heights this year! If you know what I mean 😉

Let's take a closer look at our stats, if you too are into that kinda thing.

Thank you Volunteers & Sponsors <3

Year after year EuroPython shines because of the hard work of our amazing team of volunteers

But beyond the logistics and the schedules, it's your smiles, your enthusiasm, and your genuine willingness to go the extra mile that truly made EuroPython 2023 truly special. Your efforts have not only fostered a sense of belonging among first time attendees but also exemplified the power of community and collaboration that lies at the heart of this conference.

Once again, thank you for being the backbone of EuroPython, for your dedication, and for showing the world yet again why people who come for the Python language end up staying for the amazing community :)

And a special thank you to all of the Sponsors for all of their support!

Thank you Sponsors 🥳

Conference Photos & Videos

The official conference photos are up on Flickr! Do not forget to tag us when you share your favourite clicks on your socials 😉.

We know how much you would love to see and share videos of some amazing talks and keynotes we had during the conference. Rest assured we are working with our AV team to have videos edited and ready in a month or so. Stay tuned for that.

In the meantime if you want to revisit a talk you missed or just want to check out a talk again, all the live streams from across the conference days is still available on our page

We also have some really sweet highlight videos featuring the amazing humans of EuroPython! Check it out on Youtube.

Community write-ups

It warms our hearts to see posts from the community about their experience and stories this year! Here are some of them, please feel free to share yours by tagging us on socials @europython or mailing us at

Aleksandra Golofaeva on LinkedIn: #prague #python #europython #europython2023
About my experience with EuroPython 2023 in Prague! EuroPython conference is the oldest and most significant event of its kind across Europe. As a newcomer to…
Sena S. on LinkedIn: I do love pythons, how did you guess that 🤔🤭TL;DR pythonista shares her…
I do love pythons, how did you guess that 🤔🤭TL;DR pythonista shares her own EuroPython 2023 experience from her perspective EuroPython 2023 happened at…

Weekly Report, EuroPython 2023 - Łukasz Langa
Our new Security Developer in Residence is out and about, and publishes weekly updates on what he’s up to. That inspires me to resume doing the equivalent of those updates. And what better opportunity to do that than on the heels of EuroPython 2023!

Mariia Lukash wrote to us saying

I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for providing me with the opportunity to attend EuroPython 2023 remotely and free of charge. The conference was truly exceptional! The speakers were incredible, and their presentations were both informative and inspiring. I learned so much from each session. This being my first-ever conference experience, I never imagined it would be so captivating and enlightening. Moreover, I was particularly impressed by the sense of community that was evident throughout the event.  Once again, thank you for this incredible opportunity. I am truly grateful for the experience, and if the chance arises, I would be delighted to attend future events organized by EuroPython.

Messages like these warm our hearts and pushes us to do better for the 🐍 community every single year ❤️

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct Transparency Report is now published on our website

🐍 Upcoming Events

EuroPython might over but fret not there are a bunch of more amazing Python conferences happening!!! 😆

$ pip install pyjokes
Collecting pyjokes
Downloading pyjokes-0.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (26 kB)
Installing collected packages: pyjokes
Successfully installed pyjokes-0.6.0
$ pyjoke
!false, (It's funny because it's true)
PyPuns ftw

Add your own jokes to PyJokes (a project invented at a EuroPython sprint) via this issue:

EuroPython 2023: Sponsor Job Listings

As EuroPython 2023 has concluded we would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to the community and our sponsors for their support throughout the event! We would like to take this opportunity to share with you some exciting job profiles from our sponsors.


As one of the oldest market making firms in the world, Optiver has been improving financial markets since 1986. By providing liquidity to markets across the globe, we make markets more efficient, transparent and stable.

Powered by technological innovation, we continuously provide competitive, two-sided prices for thousands of financial instruments on all major exchanges globally.

Our world class teams of highly skilled professionals come from a broad range of disciplines but are bound by one simple purpose: improving the market.

Software Engineer – Python


Numberly helps its clients collect, analyse and leverage their data across all channels to make marketing more relevant, effective and measurable. We are more than 200 engineers divided into teams with a human dimension and freedom of speech that enables everyone to have an impact and participate in the Group's development. Our sustained growth encourages us to constantly question our technical and organisational choices.

Our challenges are international: 8 offices worldwide, and more than 30 nationalities in our main office in Paris.

Our wide range of interconnected products and technical challenges are diverse and sophisticated. Our daily missions consist in processing thousands of requests per second, operating databases of several petabytes, automating our entire bare-metal infrastructure, and building the digital marketing interfaces of tomorrow.

Data Engineer / DataOps - join teams dedicated to Big Data and Event-Driven data pipelines - design, build, operate and maintain large data storage architectures using Hadoop, Spark, Airflow, ScyllaDB, Kafka - interact with other teams to proactively solve scaling problems (Data Scientists & Software Engineers…) - build cutting edge use-case in different kind of industries You can find more details here:

Google Cloud

Find your next job at Google • Google Cloud • YouTube and create • design • code • build for everyone: We currently have 380+ full-time job positions for Pythonistas worldwide:

Temporal Technologies

Temporal helps developers focus on the important things, like writing business logic, and spend less time worrying about the underlying infrastructure. We have a great open-source community filled with awesome developers (who are also our users!) providing us with real-time feedback and contributions. Temporal is backed by top VC firms, with a well built team of professionals from various successful start-ups and well-known technology companies.

Developer Relations Engineer: The Developer Relations Engineer will be Temporal’s strongest connection into the community, through their code demos utilising Temporal and adjacent technologies, sharing that story through written content and verbalising through talks. You will be an integral part of the success of Temporal’s customer journey and life cycle. Your biggest allies will be in Developer Education and Engineering, while partnering with Marketing on how the story evolves. Apply here:


Bad software is everywhere, and we’re tired of it. Sentry is on a mission to help developers write better software faster, so we can get back to enjoying technology.

With more than $217 million in funding and 85,000 organizations that believe we’re on to something, we're building performance and error monitoring tools that help companies like Disney, Microsoft, and Atlassian spend less time fixing bugs and more time building products. If you like to selfishly build things that make your digital life better, come help us build the next generation of software monitoring tools.

Senior Software Engineer, Search & Storage:

Picnic Technologies:

At Picnic, we’ve been revolutionizing the way people buy their groceries since 2015 – and we’ve come a long way since then. We provide our rapidly-growing customer base with an affordable and sustainable service through cutting-edge technology, efficient planning, and a fleet of electric vehicles.

One of the main things that makes Picnic different is that we do almost everything in-house. Forecasting. Warehouse systems. Partnerships. Fleet strategies. Internal and external applications. We find it gives us more freedom when it comes to trying out new and innovative ideas! uncovers cheap travel options that others simply can't find.

Senior Python Engineer for the FinTech tribe We deal with all the monetary flows in More precisely, we are a Tribe of developers, payment specialists, business & data analysts and product magicians inside in charge of building the pillars of everything that is directly or indirectly related to payments in Payments from our customers, payments to airlines and travel agencies, preventing fraudulent , anything you can imagine in that matter, we’re involved.

We also have a whole bunch of digital swag  from our sponsors!🐍 💝 They will only be available for a limited time so make sure to check them out on