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Marc-Andre Lemburg

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Long time Pythonista, CEO, available as Interim CTO and Senior Software Architect, Python Core Dev, EuroPython Society Chair, Python Software Foundation founding Fellow. Website Twitter
EuroPython Blog

EuroPython 2014 Feedback

Now that EuroPython 2014 is almost over, we would like to say a


to the local organizers in Berlin! You did a wonderful job with the conference organization.

Please provide feedback

Going forward, we would like to ask all EuroPython attendees to send us your feedback for EuroPython 2014, so we can use this information to plan for EuroPython 2015.

Please use our

EuroPython 2014 Feedback Form

for sending us your feedback.

Helping with EuroPython 2015

If you would like to help with EuroPython 2015, we invite you to join the EuroPython Society. Membership is free. Just go to our application page and enter your details.

In the coming months, we will start the discussions about the new work group model we’ve announced here at the conference.

Thanks to all EuroPython attendees

Thank you very much for attending and have a safe trip home.

We’re all looking forward to seeing you again for EuroPython 2015.


EuroPython Society

Upcoming EuroPython sprints and barcamp

Over the weekend there will be a Python BarCamp and of course sprints.

All EuroPython attendees can attend sprints and BarCamp but please register yourself for logistic reasons (registration links on the pages above).

Both events are also free for non-attendees. So if you have friends, co-workers or other people that are interested in Python, please bring them for with you - for free. We only require that they should register at the EuroPython info desk inside the foyer of the bcc.

The sprint orientation and introduction is today, Friday at 2pm in C01.

Join and get some more detailed information about the different sprints and topics.

EuroPython Society Sessions at EuroPython 2014

We are having three EuroPython Society (EPS) sessions today at EuroPython 2014. They are all held in room B09.

All EuroPython attendees are invited to join in to these sessions and to become EuroPython Society members.

If you would like to support the EuroPython Society and want to sign up for membership, please visit our membership application form.

Membership is free and we’d like to get as many EuroPython attendees signed up as members as possible, because the EuroPython conference series is all about its attendees.


EuroPython Society

Evaluation of talks and trainings

This year we will proceed with the evaluation and feedback of talk and trainings as follows:

  • Trainers will handout paper feedback forms to the trainees for leaving some feedback for the trainer.
  • The feedback for keynotes and talks will be done completely through the Guidebook app. The details view of each talk has a “Rate this talk” button that will bring you to the evaluation form.



Special deal: become an angel for one day and get a free day pass

We have a special deal for you: become an angel for one day (8 hour shift) and receive a free day pass for that same day. If you work a complete day as video angel (supporting the video team) you will be able to attend and listen to the keynotes and talks of this day and even better: you can get in touch with the Python community.

If you are still hesitant or undecided about supporting us as a volunteer or if you could not find the time for registering with the volunteer system, just come to the kick off meeting on Sunday July 20th at 2pm or 5pm or Monday July 21st at 11am at the conference venue.

Everybody is welcome!

Helping hands for Sunday wanted!

You are already in Berlin on Sunday and you want to do something good?

Then please join us on Sunday for preparing the venue location (Berlin Congress Center bcc). We will start around 10:00h in the morning. We will have free pizza and something to drink for all helpers!

Thank you in advance!

Duckling - Meet with others, arrange your outings!

We would like to introduce you to Duckling - a social service for arranging or finding outings with fellow attendees. Duckling is a new service and has been used successfully during the last PyCON 2014 in Montreal. Duckling is a service provided for free to the Python community by Caktus Group (@DucklingQuacks).

Say you want to go for Sushi one night and want to find other attendees with the same interest then you login into Duckling using your Twitter account and see a list of upcoming outings planned by other people of the event.


Just search for a Sushi location using the search functionality of Duckling.


After finding the right place, you set up the date and time for the outing, give some additional information and that’s it.


Other attendees can check the EuroPython Ducklings site and see what will be going on and join your event. Your outing will show a map of the location and perhaps some additional information pulled in through Yelp.

You can not only arrange outings for eating and drinking but you can also use Duckling for arranging visits to interesting places in Berlin, finding others for a morning run at the Volkspark Friedrichain or whatever you want.
