How to Maximize Your Experience at EuroPython 2024 🐍✨

EuroPython 2024 is set to be an electrifying event for Python enthusiasts, taking place in the vibrant city of Prague from July 8th to 14th. Whether you're a first-timer or a seasoned attendee, here are some tips to help you squeeze every bit of goodness out of the conference.

Plan Your Schedule in Advance πŸ—“οΈ

Review the EuroPython schedule to spot sessions, workshops, and events that spark your interest. The week is loaded with activities: Monday and Tuesday are for tutorials and free workshops (C API Summit, HumbleData, DjangoGirls and WASM Summit); Wednesday to Friday are full of keynotes and talks, social events, PyLadies events and panel discussions. Finally, the weekend is reserved for the Open Source Sprints.

Mix and match your experience by attending a variety of sessions! From technical talks and tutorials to keynote speeches, there's a smorgasbord of content for all levels. We have talks for beginners and advanced Pythonistas including tracks like Python internals, LLMs, Ethics & Philosophy, Web Technologies, Education & Community, DevOps, and so much more.

Pro tip: Keynote speakers always drop some serious knowledge bombs πŸ˜‰

Engage in Workshops & Summits πŸ› οΈ

Dive into workshops for a hands-on learning adventure. Whether you're a newbie learning to build websites with Django Girls or exploring data science with HumbleData, there's something for everyone. Discuss the state of the C API at the C API Summit or get the latest on WebAssembly at the WASM Summit.

Some of these events have limited slots, while others are first-come, first-served. Make sure to register on the website and arrive early on the day of the event!

Network Actively 🀝

Sessions are packed with information, but they might not cover your particular problem. Don't hesitate to ask the speakers about anything they didn't cover. Make sure to use Discord to reach out if you cannot find them in the corridors.

All participants should join our Discord server as this is the main communication platform during the conference. The link invite will be sent via email on the following days.

Take advantage of breaks to mingle and tap into the wealth of knowledge around you. And don't forget the Pac-Man rule: always leave a spot open so others can easily join the conversation.

Engage in the Hallway & Harness the power of networking!

Chat with fellow attendees, speakers, and sponsors during breaks, social events, and open spaces. Networking can lead to new collaborations, job opportunities, and friendships within the Python community. Here are some tips to help you start a conversation

  • Look for lanyards with the "speaker" tag and ask them about their topic.
  • Approach someone with a simple "Hi, what do you think of the event so far?" or "What sessions have you found interesting?"
  • Pay attention to the stickers on people's badges indicating their preferred level of contact: "no contact," "happy to hug," or "handshake only." Always respect these preferences.

Remember it's normal to feel shy, many people do, but the Python community is known for being extra nice :) Don't miss out on the chance to connect with others, this is the perfect place to try and reach out.

Visit the Sponsors Hall πŸ›οΈ

Stroll through the Sponsor's Hall to check out the latest products and services from exhibitors. It's swag central and a goldmine for discovering new tools and technologies to boost your Python projects. A lot of our sponsors are also actively hiring in case you are on the lookout.

If you are attending remotely, Sponsors will have channels where you can chat and find out more. Remember to also keep an eye on the Virtual Swag and Job board on our website for extra gifts.

Attend Social Events πŸŽ‰

Don't miss the social events like the PyLadies lunch and Social Event, Prague Boat Trip, Speakers’ Dinner, and the big Social Event where you are invited to bring your board games and instruments!

These events are perfect for connecting & sharing ideas with like-minded individuals in a relaxed setting. Plus, they are a whole lot of fun! πŸŽ‰

Take Care of Yourself 🧘

Conferences are a marathon, not a sprint. Stay hydrated, eat well, and get plenty of rest. We will help by serving light lunches, snacks and coffee during the breaks throughout the day. Take breaks to recharge and keep your energy levels high.

Feeling overwhelmed? We have a Quiet Room and a low-stimulation room at the venue so you can wind down.

Explore Prague 🏰

Seize the chance to explore the enchanting city of Prague. Dive into the local culture, savour the cuisine, and visit the landmarks. The Prague Congress Centre is conveniently located, making it easy to venture out.

Our volunteers wrote a page with tips and things to do:

We hope it helps you and your companions to have a great time in Prague πŸ˜ƒ

Share Your Experience πŸ“’

After the conference, share your newfound wisdom with your community. Write a blog post, give a presentation, or organize a meetup to spread the knowledge. It reinforces what you've learned and helps those who couldn't attend.

Make sure to tag us on socials @EuroPython or use #EuroPython2024. We will be reposting the coolest community posts during the event!


EuroPython 2024 promises to be an enriching experience brimming with learning, networking, and fun. By planning ahead, engaging actively, and taking care of yourself, you'll make the most of this incredible event.

See you in Prague! 🌟

For more details, visit the EuroPython 2024 official website.

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