Hey hey!
Is it just us? Or is the time really just flying by. We’re 40 days away from D-Day & our volunteers have been working tirelessly where the rubber meets the asphalt.
The past month has been quite eventful, we have sent out talk acceptances, onboarded 14 sponsors, announced some of our keynote speakers (more to follow). Without further ado, we present to you the penultimate newsletter before the conference.
📝EuroPython Society Update
Updates to Code of Conduct Committee
We have two more people joining our Code of Conduct (CoC) Committee ahead of the 2022 conference: Naomi Ceder and Kevin O'Brien, on top of Silvia Uberti and Anders Hammarquist. Should you need to reach out to them, their contact details are present alongside the CoC.
We’re continually looking for ways to make EuroPython better and provide a safer environment at the conference. If you have any suggestions then write to us on board@europython.eu.
Grants? Grants!
EPS is committed to help the thriving Python community in Europe prosper. Following our goal we gave out some grants over the last month:: DjangoCon Europe, Hands-on Django with PyLadiesBCN.
General Assembly & What is EPS session?
It takes a village to raise a child, it definitely takes much more to keep gears spinning at the EuroPython Society. Want in on the behind the scenes action? We’ve got you covered.
We are preparing for our General Assembly that will take place during the conference. Members will receive emails about the details. If you are interested in knowing more about the EPS, the board election and how you can get involved, we are hosting a public session on 14 June: 18:00 CEST). Everyone is welcome to attend! Details will be sent out on our newsletter and socials.
Got any questions/ suggestions? Write to us at board@europython.eu
🍀EuroPython 2022 Conference Update
~115 talks, 12 workshops, 5 keynotes, 4 mini-events from 9AM to 6PM for 5 days, EuroPython is going to be a hoot and a half. We’ve sent a total of 120 acceptances (116 confirmed) so far across Posters, Talks, Tutorials and Workshops.
We are now focusing on the fun stuff: putting together a schedule that fits the speaker constraints and talk delivery mode. We expect to release the schedule over the course of next 2 weeks.
Come checkout out list of sessions and tutorials!
P.S. In case you didn't know you can also buy Tutorials only Tickets as well!
Not just that, we’ll stop at nothing to ensure EuroPython packs the maximum punch. We have some really exciting Keynote speakers lined up for the conference.

More updates to follow, but our next Keynote announcement would be about someone who found a way to quite literally unlock Python’s true potential. Any guesses? ;)
Following the EuroPython tradition, we’d have Open Spaces for any Speaker/ Attendee/ Sponsor to propose a talk, host a discussion, run a sprint and more in Open Spaces. You’ll have the chance to apply for a spot directly at the conference (look for the good old whiteboard)
💶Call for Sponsors
May has been a busy month for us, we’ve onboarded 14 Sponsors, and are talking to many more interested. Sponsors not only help us make EuroPython economically viable but also bridge the gap between Open Source and the Industry.
Apart from the standard sponsor packages, there are so many other ways you can support the conference: be a childcare or Financial Aid sponsor, help fund the Django Girls Workshop we’re organising, or sponsor a gourmet coffee stall for a day! A big thank you to Oomnitza for being our PyLadies Lunch sponsor. There’s room for more, you can find out all the fantastic stand-alone options here.
If you are interested in sponsoring EuroPython 2022, head to https://ep2022.europython.eu/sponsor and dig into the details of every sponsorship level. If you still have questions, write to us at sponsoring@europython.eu
🌍Remote Tickets for EuroPython
EuroPython is a conference for the community, by the community. In these ever-so-changing times we know that it might not be feasible for everyone to make it to Dublin and attend the conference in-person. That’s why EuroPython will be hybrid this year. We’ll have remote speakers as well as attendees.
We’re pleased to announce the details of the online tickets. We’ll have two tiers:
- Personal - If you enjoy Python as a hobbyist or a freelancer
- Business - If your company/business is paying for you or if you use Python professionally.
The ticket sales will proceed similarly to before, we’ll have regular (till 26th June) and late (27th June and onward) prices.
Want to help us put together a smooth experience for our remote speakers and attendees? Help us by volunteering your time and experience as a Remote Volunteer: https://forms.gle/4y2Ux67QppnBmS176
💝Financial Aid
We received about 130 applications from over 40 different countries. For 110 of the applicants, it would be their first EuroPython. About 60% of the applicants identify as a member of an underrepresented group in the Python community. We’ve finished reviewing all applicants and have shipped the acceptances out.
We’re also pleased to announce that we’ll roll out a special Financial Aid for Remote Tickets over the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned for more details.
🎙Speaker Workshops
Are you a first-time speaker? Do you want some tips and tricks to up your presentation game?
If your answer to the above questions are yes, sign up for the speaker’s workshop as part of the Mentorship Programme! We will have experienced speakers from our EuroPython community to share their experiences and advice on effective presentation delivery.
Sign up using the form our programme team sent over earlier this week. More details to follow post signup!
🎟Events @EuroPython
Django Girls Workshop - Applications for the free 1-day Django Girls Workshop are open right now. You do not need a conference ticket but application to attend is required. Spaces are limited to 30 people. We are also looking for 5 more coaches. More details: https://djangogirls.org/en/dublin/
Beginners’ Day: HumbleData Workshop - Are you a beginner in Python? Do you want to learn Data Science and how to use Jupyter Notebooks to do data analysis? This workshop is for you! Anyone with a EuroPython 2022 Conference/Combined tickets can participate! Join us as a mentor or mentee on July 12th.
More info at https://ep2022.europython.eu/humble-data or you can just register here.
MakersFest - If you are a Maker, Craft, Educator or want to know more about Python and electronics, EuroPython has a dedicated area for MakerFest for all those inquisitive and curious minds, with demos and activities for all ages including guest Makers from micro:bit, MakerMeet.ie, TOG Hackerspace, Northern Ireland Raspberry Jam and more. Join us from Wed 13 July to Friday 15 July.
If you are interested in demo-ing something at MakerFest, register your interest via https://forms.gle/xTdpFJ2rV8iqmMCb9
Trans*Code - We’re accepting registrations for Trans*Code! Join us for a day of hacking, sharing, and friendship on 12 July - you can register (for free) at https://ep2022.europython.eu/trans_code
Pew Pew Workshop - Join Radomir Dopieralski, creator of Pew Pew Games Console, and learn how to programme this game console with CircuitPython. Attendees of the Pew Pew workshop will receive a Pew Pew games console to take home with them after the workshop. Attendees of the Pew Pew workshop will receive a Pew Pew games console to take home with them after the workshop. The workshop is free for EuroPython conference or training ticket holders,
Mentored Sprints - On top of the sprint days, we will give anyone who has never contributed to open-source a head start. Join us on Thursday 14th July for a mentored sprint. We will have mentors who will hold your hands (almost literally) in creating your first PR to an open-source project. Absolutely no prior knowledge needed! More details: https://ep2022.europython.eu/mentored-sprint
PyLadies Lunch - The PyLadies Lunch is a regular event at EuroPython, and is a great opportunity for women attending the conference who love Python and meet other like-minded folks in a fun, relaxed environment. We would like to invite you to join us and make new friends (or catch up with familiar faces), share your experiences with folks from Ireland, Europe and afar.
👩💻OSS tables @ EuroPython
Open Source is at the core ethos of the EuroPython community and the conference. If you run a Python related F/OSS project and don’t have the financial means to run your booth, then we’ve got you covered. Send us an email at sponsoring@europython.eu and we’ll get you set up!
🎗️Upcoming Events
PyCon Italy - June 2nd-5th
PyCon Italia is the Italian conference on Python. Organised by Python Italia, it has now become one of the most important Python conferences in Europe. With over 700 attendees, the next edition will be the 12th. EuroPython is proud to be a diversity sponsor of PyCon Italia.
PyData London - June 17-19th
PyData London welcomes attendees with wide varieties of experiences, expertise, and backgrounds to join us at the Tower Hotel. Users, contributors, and newcomers can share experiences and learn from one another to solve hard problems and grow a stronger open-source community.
GeoPython - June 20-22nd
After a successful online GeoPython 2021 - with participants from over 40 countries - GeoPython 2022 will be in Basel, Switzerland and online (hybrid).
The conference is focused on Python and Geo, its toolkits and applications. GeoPython 2022 will be the continuation of the yearly conference series. The conference started in 2016 and this is now the 7th edition. Key subjects for the conference series are the combination of the Python programming language and Geo. EuroPython is proud to be a gold sponsor of GeoPython.
Python Ireland June Meetup - Wed Jun 8
This talk will introduce the audience to using Python in natural language processing for classification of clinical trial abstracts.
RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/pythonireland/events/kqwjvrydcjblb/
Dublin Linux Developer meetup with EuroPython - Sat Jun 11
Vicky Twomey-Lee will be giving a short talk about EuroPython, and open call for anyone who wants to talk about their Python projects and experiences.
RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/Dublin-Linux-Developers/events/285723850/
PyBelfast - Tue Jun 14
Talks include “Scream if you wanna go Fast(API)er” by Simon Hewitt (@tyndyll) and “Driving devops adoption in your organisation” by Dan Murphy (@d_murph21)
RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/PyBelfast/events/286109293/
PyLadies Dublin Remote Workshop with Jina AI: Image search with DocArray - Tue Jun 21
PyLadies Dublin first workshop this year run by Jyoti Bisht from Jina AI. This is a remote event and will also be live-streamed.
RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/PyLadiesDublin/events/285571054/