Featured talk "Using asyncio (aka Tulip) for home automation"

The talk “Using asyncio (aka Tulip) for home automation” will be given by Dougal Matthews.

‘asyncio’ is a new module in Python 3.4 and has been written by Python inventor Guido van Rossum. This module provides infrastructure for writing single-threaded concurrent code using coroutines, multiplexing I/O access over sockets and other resources, running network clients and servers, and other related primitives. It provides the following functionality:

  • a pluggable event loop with various system-specific implementations;
  • transport and protocol abstractions (similar to those in Twisted);
  • concrete support for TCP, UDP, SSL, subprocess pipes, delayed calls, and others (some may be system-dependent);
  • Future class that mimics the one in the concurrent.futures module, but adapted for use with the event loop;
  • coroutines and tasks based on yield from (PEP 380), to help write concurrent code in a sequential fashion;
  • cancellation support for Futures and coroutines;
  • synchronization primitives for use between coroutines in a single thread, mimicking those in the threading module;
  • an interface for passing work off to a threadpool, for times when you absolutely, positively have to use a library that makes blocking I/O calls.

Dougal will explore in his talk the usage of asyncio in the field of home automation. Home automation is a rapidly grown market and companies like Apple and Google are targeting the market. Besides many proprietary and expensive solution the speaker shows us how Python can be used to monitor your electricity usage, room temperature and remote devices..

Dougal Matthews is a Scottish Pythonista and skiier living in Glasgow. He runs the local Python user group. During the day, Dougal hacks on OpenStack as a senior developer at Red Hat.