EuroPython 2017: Free Intel Distribution for Python

We are very pleased to have Intel as Diamond Sponsor for EuroPython 2017. You can visit them at the most central booth in our exhibit area, the Sala della Piazza, and take the opportunity to chat with their staff.

Please find below a hosted blog post from Intel, that offers us an exciting glimpse at the recently released free, Intel® Distribution for Python.


EuroPython 2017 Team
EuroPython Society
EuroPython 2017 Conference

Intel® Distribution for Python: speeding up Python performance 

The Python language has transformed computing in the age of big data and massive compute power, bringing high productivity through its easy to learn syntax and large collection of packages and libraries. Its popularity and adoption extends to domains such as data analytics, machine learning, web development, high performance computing and general purpose scripting. High productivity normally comes at the expense of performance, often relegating Python to a great prototyping environment that eventually needs to be rewritten in native languages for production level robustness.

At Intel Software, our clear objective in working with Python software tools is to bring Python performance closer to native code speeds, possibly eliminating the need to rewrite production code in C or C++. We introduce the recently released, free, Intel® Distribution for Python - a performance accelerated Python Distribution that is highly optimized for Intel architecture, by leveraging advanced threading and vectorization instruction sets. And while we’re at it, we also added features that make it easily installable (without you having to deal with dependency nightmares), and broadly available to the entire Python community.

Join us at EuroPython and learn of the many ways Intel contributes to this versatile language and vibrant developer community. Our workshop will demonstrate the inner workings of the Intel Distribution for Python, how we accelerate Python’s core packages NumPy, SciPy, scikit-learn & others through linking with performance libraries such as the powerful Intel® Math Kernel Library & Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library, techniques for composable parallelism, and profiling Python mixed with native code with Intel® VTune Amplifier. The talks will highlight Python Profiling with Intel® VTuneT Amplifier, Easy methods of Profiling & Tuning of Python applications for performance, and Infrastructure design considerations using Python with Buildbot & Linux containers.

Come, check out the Intel booth #18, and chat with our knowledgeable staff to learn more about Intel tools, technologies & applications in the Python space.