EuroPython 2015: Sponsor brochure available

EuroPython would not be possible and as affordable as it is without the help of our sponsors.

Reach out to 1200+ attendees in Europe

If your company is using Python, sells a product or service in the Python space or looking to hire excellent Python programmers, we would like to ask you to consider EuroPython 2015 as your platform to reach out to 1200+ attendees from all around the world, with special focus on Europe.

Join in as EuroPython 2015 sponsor

You’ll definitely be in good company:

All sponsor options in one fine booklet

These are the options we have available for you:

EuroPython 2015 Sponsor Brochure

If you have questions, please visit our sponsors page or contact the EuroPython sponsoring team.


EuroPython 2015 Team