EuroPython 2014 sprints

EuroPython Sprint 2014 will be held at bcc Berlin Congress Center, Alexanderstr. 11, next to Alexanderplatz, on the 26th and 27th of July, 2014 as a way of bringing people interested in the programming language Python on a variety of levels and topics together in one place for two days in order to share, learn, network and brainstorm.

sprint is a get-together of people involved in a project to give a focused development on the project. Sprints are typically two to seven days long. Sprints have become popular events among some open source projects. For example, the PyPy project is mostly developed during regularly held sprints where most of the international developer team gathers.

This event is for developers, project managers and Python enthusiasts in the fields of education in schools and universities, business, including freelancers and employees as well as home and hobby users.

Please register early until 7th July and announce your sprint ideas.