EuroPython 2014 Feedback

Now that EuroPython 2014 is almost over, we would like to say a


to the local organizers in Berlin! You did a wonderful job with the conference organization.

Please provide feedback

Going forward, we would like to ask all EuroPython attendees to send us your feedback for EuroPython 2014, so we can use this information to plan for EuroPython 2015.

Please use our

EuroPython 2014 Feedback Form

for sending us your feedback.

Helping with EuroPython 2015

If you would like to help with EuroPython 2015, we invite you to join the EuroPython Society. Membership is free. Just go to our application page and enter your details.

In the coming months, we will start the discussions about the new work group model we’ve announced here at the conference.

Thanks to all EuroPython attendees

Thank you very much for attending and have a safe trip home.

We’re all looking forward to seeing you again for EuroPython 2015.


EuroPython Society